Monday, December 31, 2007

A year in review...

and what an eventful year it was...
  • we all got older
  • some grew taller
  • some grew wider
  • Cam got a new job
  • sweat Hanna came home from Ethiopia
  • the girls spent a week at camp
  • this blog began
  • school ended
  • school began
  • 5 babies were born
  • 2 babies died
  • our annual trip to Michigan's Adventure with the Roelofs
  • Cam and Shann took an anniversary trip to the U.P.
  • construction began on the Nienhuis cabin
  • teeth were lost
  • teeth grew in
  • Tate hunted for the first time, shot a gun for the first time, and shot her first duck
  • we spent great times with family, cousins, and friends
  • we were loved
  • we loved
  • we stressed (some of us more than others)
  • we laughed
  • we cried
  • we took steps forward
  • we took steps backwards
  • and...through it all we did our best to trust Gods plan for us

And now...we look forward with great excitement to what the Lord has in store for us in 2008!!
Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
"May the Lord continually bless you with heaven's blessings as well as with human joys." PSALM 128:5

Friday, December 28, 2007

it's a sad, sad, day in VK-ville...

Have you ever been at the end of your rope?

The new theme at our house is "if it works at all, it doesn't work well".
They say that bad things come in three's...but it must be multiples of three's...
because we are on #5...and counting.
I'll spare you the details...but pray that we are able to start climbing our rope again...
and soon!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I've said it before...and I'll say it again...

snuggling babies is one of my most favorite things in the whole world...and I had the privilege of being invited to do just that yesterday. I got to hold sweet Hannah Noel. She is SO amazingly tiny. At 3 months old she is weighing in at an astonishing 5lbs. 9oz.!! She is eating like a little oink-er, which is an answer to prayer. So...she hopefully will begin to pack on the pounds and catch up with all the other plump 3 month olds soon.

I also had the privilege of taking some photos of the little peanut...if they turned out one of them will hopefully serve as the birth announcement/thank you card. So...hopefully we captured a good one. I took most of them with my film camera...but here are a couple that I took with the digital...

**to give you an idea of how small she is...that is a normal infant sized pacifier...these pictures are so deceiving...she looks way bigger than she is!**

Just maybe...

we should hope for enough happiness to make us sweet. enough trials to make us strong, enough sorrow to make us human, and enough hope to make us happy.

Just maybe...

when the door of happiness closes, another opens; but, often times, we look so long at the closed door that we don't even see the new one which has been opened for us.

Just maybe...

the happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Just maybe?!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Can you hear it?

It is the sound of the Hallelujah chorus...I've been hearing for about an hour now. It started right after I handed in my final final exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to see the end of the hardest trimester I have endured so far in my college career. Now comes the wait for final grades to post.

I now have a whole 20 days off of school...and I finally feel like I can dive into the Christmas season wholeheartedly!! (and stress free)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

because laughing is good for your health...

so laughing your a*@ off...must be so much better for you!!

stick a fork in it folks...

I am pleased to announce that at 10:35 this morning all 50 drug cards were handed in. Neatly housed in their 3-ring binder, with a beautiful cover sheet and index page. I had the glow of a proud mother. I was so proud in fact that it was hard to just set them in the pile and walk away!

I got back my Presidential paper and grade sheets for both the presentations I did on Monday, and it is with great enthusiasm I announce that I was given 100% on each of them!!!

Another wonderful surprise today came when our Pharmacology teacher announced that our final would be in the form of a TAKE HOME TEST!!! We all about sang the hallelujah chorus...and a few (myself not included) actually hugged the teacher. This is fabulous news considering the amount of anxiety this final was causing me.

So...on Monday I will have my Human Disease final...(this is one of my favorite classes, so the stress level is low for this one), my Pharmacology final will be graded in class...(I get to do this one this weekend, with the aid of the textbook, if I can't manage to pull out 100% something is seriously wrong with me), and my Math final...(this one is responsible for the greatest feelings of stress...math is not my thing...math and I, we have a love-hate loves to make me hate it!!!). Thankfully God is on my side, and this is a 2 day final, and I am predicting that I will be using every last minute of the 3 hours given to me!

So...we are T-minus 168 hours...and counting until this semester is done...finished...adios...stick a fork in it!!

I am so looking forward to the Christmas break...I need a family needs me to have a break...HOORAY for breaks!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

conversation with a 6 year old...

While working feverishly on my drug cards today, Haidyn was desperately trying to find/get someone to play with her. While I was unable to do it, I told her that I was sure her father would LOVE to play with her...

To which she replied... "I would really like to play with someone that is NOT hairy everywhere."

(she also went on to rule out parents altogether in a valiant attempt to get her sisters to play with worked...they caved (after some prompting from their mother...who really needed their help today!)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Can I get a loud HALLELUJAH!!!

I just sat down to check my email, and found an update on our sweet Hannah Noel.

Here is what it said...
(written by Dan)

"I'm packing up cameras and car seats and the kids and we're all on our way to the hospital to bring our little girl home. We just got the OK from the doctors.

Hopefully we'll be home by 3:00 or 4:00, resting and enjoying a return to normal (for us) life."

After spending 80+ days in NIC and NIM at Spectrum, after way to many ups and downs, after losing her sister, and coming close to losing her too, after thousands of prayers form all over the country (literally) of Gods sweet little miracles is coming home!!!!!!!

On a VERY selfish note, I am sad that, once Hannah is home, no one will get to see her til spring(insert sad face). But...I am going to praise God for this miracle...and thank him daily for answered prayer. To quote one of my fav hymns, my Lord "HOW GREAT THOU ART"!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The mountain is shrinking...

Presidencial paper and power point DONE!!!

Drug rep research DONE!!

Now all that is left is...

  • write drug rep presentation

  • put together drug rep power point

(this is a 3 to 5 minute preperation should not be all that time consuming!!)

  • 25 Drug cards!!!

The end is in sight folks...the end is in sight!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I should not be here...but...

This was entirely to funny not to share...



Monday, December 3, 2007


In my absence from the blogger world I have been doing a lot(read mountains) of homework. I am down to the final 2 weeks of the semester and I have procrastinated, leaving myself with 2 projects, one paper and about 25 more drug cards to complete in this short time frame.

It is my fault, I did not budget my time as well as I could have. my researching I came across this interesting document. I was amazed and a little creeped out by it, but I wanted to share because is it very interesting.

(I am doing a report on the medical ordeals of JFK, and because he and Abe Lincoln were the only 2 Presidents to be assassinated...I came across this in my research)

  • Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846
  • John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946
  • Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860
  • John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960
  • The names Lincoln and Kennedy both contain seven letters
  • Both were particularly concerned with civil rights
  • Both their wives lost children while living in the White House
  • Both Presidents were shot on a Friday
  • Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy
  • Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln
  • Both were assassinated by southerners
  • Both were succeeded by southerners
  • Both successors were named Johnson
  • Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808
  • Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908
  • John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1939
  • Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939
  • Both assassins were known by 3 names
  • Both names comprise of fifteen letters
  • Booth ran from the theater and was caught in the warehouse
  • Oswald ran from the warehouse and was caught in a theater
  • Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials that is just a little weird...right?

I'll be back in a few weeks...a whole lot less stressed and ready to celebrate Christmas!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving THANKS!!

I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for our health.
I am very thankful for all that I have been blessed with this year.

I hope you have a great holiday!!

Thanks for being a part of my life!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm thankful for answered prayers...

I was able to stop at the hospital after school yesterday. And I wanted to let you know that God does answer prayers, (in case anyone doubted)!!

I arrived at the NIMU, (Hannah has been moved out of NIC...answered prayer #1!!) I was instructed to "scrub-up", (I was still wearing my scrubs, which are required at my Tuesday I fit right in.) Then I was lead down a long hall, to the very last room, and there they were, Tami sitting in a hospital recliner...holding sweet little (4lb. 5oz. 17 in. long) Hannah Noel!! (answered prayer #2!!) She has only ONE tube which is for feeding, but she is IV free, and is doing well. (answered prayer #3!!!) I think the child just finds joy in keeping us all on the edge of our seat.

Tami said Hannah had a good few days. The new formula is agreeing with her...her stomach is remaining steady and soft...and she is digesting 99% of her food. They are going to keep her on this formula for a while...the GI specialist has a feeling that her tiny intestines have some sort of injury that needs time to heal.

She is awfully sweet. She makes the cutest little baby faces...she even opened her eyes for her "auntie" Shann!!! We spent some time trying to decide who she looks like...and quite frankly she looks a little bit like all of her siblings!!

I was nice to spend time with Tam...we usually talk on the phone way to much...and I have missed her the last couple months. I was also nice to hear her laugh...and see her smile...and see her holding that little girl. God does answer prayers...and I am so thankful for that.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Well, it is Friday! And with the end of the week...comes weigh-in day!! After my 3 week hiatus I really buckled down this week, I even got up at 6 am. and worked out 4 days this week!! I was very excited to go this morning, because I was sure I had dropped a pound, or 3!! But such luck! I did lose...only a half a pound...but it wasn't a gain.

Now I will work extra hard this week...even with the presence of the "stuff-ones-face" holiday. I will get up and work out every morning...and if the scale doesn't treat me good next week...I may just do something irrational??

Hannah needs our prayers *UPDATE*

Little Hannah is struggling a little. The doctors aren't sure how to help her. She has been having trouble with her feedings, so they have stopped them for now. She had been having a relatively great week...and then, all of the sudden...another hill to climb. Her parents are emotionally warn out.

Please lift them in prayer. Their strength, and grace amaze me every day, and I know they feel the hands of God surround them every day though all our love and prayers.

Thanks for your help.

I actually get to go up to the hospital I will update you after I get to see Hannah.

**I will not be going up to the hospital today. Things didn't improve overnight, I talked to Tami this morning...there is no certainty as they look into the future. Their fear is that Hannah will not ever be coming home.

Our God performs miracles everyday...lets pray for one in this little girls life.**

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

February 2008...

Yes...I know it is far away. Yes...there is a lot to look forward to between then, and now. So you may wonder why February 2008? It is the month in which my favorite TV show will be returning to ABC...

I will admit I haven't missed an episode. (I will also admit...that I feel a little guilty about that.) Of all TV shows, this is the one that I would actually tape if I couldn't be home to see it. Is that bad? Is a girl allowed this one indulgence?

And that is not all that is happening in February!! One of my favorite artists will be releasing his new album. Can you guess?............... Jack Johnson!!

Hooray!! I will wait with childlike anticipation for February to arrive. It is good thing that I have my busy life, and on top of that Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Cams birthday to keep me occupied until then!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

So sad...but somewhat true(ish)...

Haidyn: Some people don't need to wear make-up.

Me: Oh yeah.

H: Yes, because they are just beautiful me! (oh to be so humble)

M: and Me too! (with half-hearted confidence)

H: need to wear make-up. (with absolute seriousness)

M: Oh...thanks... (realizing this child sees me in the morning...and it really isn't pretty!)

H: What...I'm just trying to help you people don't laugh at you!!

M: OK...thanks for having my back!!

While I can't say I will always leave the house with make up on from now on...(because sometimes, who really has the time), the thought will cross my mind more often.

I love children...if laughing truly adds years to your life...I'm gonna live a long time!!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Wisdom...from George Carlin???

A Message by George Carlin:
(whose wife recently passed away)

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways,but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor.

We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill.

It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

Can I get a WOOT-WOOT...

I have been absent from my weigh in for the last two Fridays...and I haven't been doing the best job of keeping track of all that goes into my mouth!!! I will admit I was afraid to go this morning(but I went!!)...and I think my blood pressure was through the roof as I awaited the "verdict"...and while it isn't the greatest of achievements...I am down a quarter of a pound!!(insert roaring crowd) I think that is pretty good for 3 weeks of not trying my hardest! I will admit that I thought I was going to have gained it all back and have to start over I am very proud of me for this small success!!

A good laugh for a dreary Friday...

Little Mary Margaret was not the best student in Catholic School. Usually she slept through the class.

One day her teacher, a Nun, called on her while she was sleeping. "Tell me Mary Margaret, who created the universe?" When Mary Margaret didn't stir, little Johnny who was her friend sitting behind her, took his pencil and jabbed her in the rear. "God Almighty!" shouted Mary Margaret. The Nun said, "Very good" and continued teaching her class .

A little later the Nun asked Mary Margaret, "Who is our Lord and Savior?" But Mary didn't stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to her rescue and stuck Mary Margaret in the butt. "Jesus Christ!!!" shouted Mary Margaret and the Nun once again said, "Very good," and Mary Margaret fell back sleep.

The Nun asked her a third question..."What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?" Again, Johnny came to the rescue. This time Mary Margaret jumped up and shouted, "If you stick that damn thing in me one more time, I'll break it in half!" The nun fainted...........

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I need your help this Christmas

I know, I know, I shouldn't think Christmas until after Thanksgiving. But...because many people start thinking Christmas cards before Thanksgiving...while you are making out your Christmas card list this year please include the following:

A Recovering American soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington, D.C. 20307

There are so many soldiers who won't be home for the holidays this year, ...maybe for the 2nd year in a row, and so many that have given up so much to fight for our country. Let's show them how much we appreciate all they've done!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A happy dance for the cleaning lady!!

I returned home from school today to find that the cleaning lady had been here!!
It was really just my mother who loves me why to much sometimes...if that is possible to love your children way to much? But...if you know my mother you know that she tends to have a full plate of her own. So the fact that she took the time to come here and help me, and bring flowers for the table and a yummy smelling candle...well it deserves some really big shiny award...or the million dollar prize, or something real special!! But, alas what she'll get is a BIG thank you, and a hug, and the mention of a big shiny award and the million dollar prize, and because she loves me so much...that will be enough!!

Aren't moms great!?! I know I'm pretty lucky to have mine!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

cousins...cousins...and more cousins!!

What do you get when you get a bunch of cousins together??

Maybe...a little too much fun!!

We used the stairs as a slide...

We played tag...

We played on scooters...

We colored pictures...

We watched "Arthur and the Invisibles"...

We were just plain cute!!

We had the pleasure of spending our Saturday with the Hansen kids while their mom and dad went to the hospital to see Hannah...(who is doing very well!!) As you can see we had a lot of fun...I think God knew I needed a day filled with laughter! I just love these kids...they are awesome!

After the Hansen's left...we picked up Taylor, who is visiting from the U.P. Her and Haidyn are having a sleepover tonight!!

A very busy day...but oh so worth the exhaustion!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

WHAT?? Do I look stressed?

I've come to the end of my rope...I have officially started the
"Shann is hiring a housekeeper" fund!
It has been a long time coming!
(mind you...this is the mindless rambling of a under appreciated, entirely to busy, extremely tired, women on the edge!)
The question of the hour...will it every come to be?
Inquiring minds want to know...I want to know!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

water fowl BEWARE!

Tate went on her first hunting trip(s) on Saturday. And she shot a gun...only nothing...but she liked it so much she chose to go again in the evening! Neither her or her dad shot anything...the duck in the picture below was shot by one of their fellow hunters. But...I guess it begins!! I have always said that the girls should get to hunt and fish if they want to...and they shouldn't be talked out of it because "there is nowhere for a girl to pee!"

Friday, October 19, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007


Haidyn wost two teeph today!

One this morning before she got on the bus...
and one tonight after she got off the bus!
She is excited to have finally joined the ranks of the
toothless 6 year old's everywhere!

Friday, October 12, 2007


I have been tagged...which is amazingly cruel when your middle name is not short...but here goes...

1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.

2. You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.

3. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog for the rules.

Pull up a chair this could take a while...

N- I have Never lived outside of the same 10 square miles in my whole life! (Although someday I hope to "let some grass grow" under my feet in a small town in Montana.)

I- Created in the Image of God, and striving to be that image to my children and everyone around me, which is not always the easiest of tasks.

C- If it were a job...I would Cuddle newborn babies for a is my favorite!!

O- Optimistic for the future. I think God has BIG plans for me and my family...and I say "BRING IT ON".

L- Losing my mind!!! I feel as though I am losing my mind at least once daily. Being a wife and mom (and all that comes with it), working, and going to school 3 days a week(and all that comes with it)...that'll do it to you every time!!!

E- Exhausted, (reference the letter L).

Well there, that wasn't all bad.

I am going to tag, Ann, and Julie!! Good luck ladies!! I know that I am supposed to tag 6 people...but I don't know that many people to tag, so if you read this, and haven't been before... consider yourself tagged!!

going down...

a half a pound!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

be the ONE, to someONE!

"Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them." Mother Teresa

"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one."
Mother Teresa

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Move over Yo Yo Ma...

Tatelynn had her first orchestra "concert" last night. It was more like a practice concert for the parents.

So...what to you get when you take 40+ 6th graders, all first timers, putting on their first concert, 4 weeks into their "training"...take a listen...

***Tate is in the back row near the may be able to see her black head band***
* can't see her...don't strain yourself*

Not bad!?!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Far wiser than I...

"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much."

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."

"Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus."

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

What do all these quotes have in common?

They were all spoken by Mother Teresa. She inspires me. It is my goal to be such a faithful follower of Christ!!

(#1 is how I've been feeling lately!)

(insert happy dance!!)

S h r i n k i n g ...a little!!

down 1.4lbs. this week

To much time to think...

It seems a bit odd that in my life...right now...I have to much time to think. But...I have this whole day, yup all 24 hours of it, off from work (haircutting, and school work)!!! My house is clean, and I am down to only 3 more loads of laundry...and here I sit...thinking.

Things have been a little...upside down...stressful...just plain trying for me lately. If have figured out that the problem is I have had to much to wrap my brain around lately...while still being an good mom and wife (and student).

You the last 2 months our greater family (my side as a whole) have lost two beautiful little girls. One didn't make it to birth...the other was with us for one day. And, because I know that God can handle it...I am alright with admitting that I am angry about it!!

Yes...I know that everything happens for a reason, and that God is in control, and that both of the girls are with Him as I type. But I don't understand how a plan where a tiny baby dies before getting a chance to make her mark on this world; a chance to experience all the love we had for her, is even a "plan". If God knew all along that it was going to end this way...why put us through it? It seems so cruel!!

What I have learned in the last few weeks is that to put your faith in the not to say "Lord, take control of my life, as long as it goes how I planned"...Nope, it's "Lord take control of my life...even if it means I might lose everyone I love, and everything I have...I will follow you".

It's hard to accept that even if we hope and wish and pray, and even though our God is a God who could take away all the hurt and pain and evil in this world with the blink of His eye...sometimes He chooses not to. is easy for me to rationalize it all, it's a case of my brain gets it...but my heart hurts. I stand in awe of both of these families who have shown such amazing faith while going through such pain and grief.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Breaking news...x2

It is 11:45pm and I have finished my;
  • research paper
  • human disease workbook ch. 4
  • studying for human disease test
  • pharmacology workbook ch.11
  • pharmacology take home test

I am having a silent party for myself...its great!!

But...on the news tonight they announced this....

Muskegon - A new roller coaster will be thrilling riders along the lake shore next spring.Michigan's Adventure Amusement Park announced today that they will soon start construction on Michigan's first suspended looping roller coaster. The "Thunderhawk" will be Michigan Adventure's seventh roller coaster, and will represent the largest single ride expenditure in the history of the park. The Thunderhawk will climb 105 feet in the air and then drop 86 feet. Riders' feet will dangle below them along a course that features five inversions and top speeds of 50 m.p.h."Thunderhawk will bring a new dimension of thrills to the park," said Camille Jourden-Mark, the vice president and general manager of Michigan's Adventure. "A suspended coaster that loops will be an instant favorite with our guests."Thunderhawk will be located near RipCord and Adventure Falls. It will have a massive steel structure with tubular steel track and will stretch 2,260 feet. The ride will last approximately 2 minutes,15 seconds. Riders will be seated in pairs in open seats that will be suspended below the track. Each rider will be secured with an over-the-shoulder harness and interlocking safety belt. A train will accommodate 20 riders. Riders must be between 52- and 80-inches tall to ride Thunderhawk. The ride was designed and manufactured by Vekoma International B.V., Vlodrop, The Netherlands.

I look forward, with child like anticipation, to next summer...we may be moving our annual trip to Michigan's Adventure to the beginning of the summer next year!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

and so it begins...(again)

I have...again, started trying to lose weight. It seems as though I do this at least once a month...I usually make it about a week or so before I "fall of the wagon". BUT...I'm not going to let that happen this time. I have come to the realization that this is going to be a life long journey, and commitment. I will never be able to eat like I did in high school and still retain...or in this case regain my 18 year old body. (I don't think my 18 year old body is still's a discontinued model...I must look in the "post baby section now!) Don't get me wrong...I'm aiming for that weight...but it ain't gonna be the same!

So...I am one week into my journey, and I am happy to announce that I am 2.6 lbs. lighter than I was just one week ago!!! (insert roaring crowd here!) I have made a personal goal to lose 10lbs. by Thanksgiving...and I think...rather, know that I can do it.

I have added a weight loss ticker to the bottom of the blog so you can keep up with my progress there!!

Have a great day...and...remember to drink your water, and eat your fruits and veggies!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

satisfying my need for comfort food...

I am in the process of making my favorite comfort food...Cheese Broccoli Soup...although it should be called Cheese Vegetable is fabulous!!!

Here is the recipe...

1- 49.5oz. can of chicken broth
10 small red potato's cut into bite sized pieces
1-2 cups cut up carrots
1 cup cut up celery
1 bag frozen broccoli
1 10.5 oz. can cream of celery soup
1 cup milk (can be a can of evaporated milk)
16 oz. Velveeta cheese cut up

Bring chx broth to a boil. Place cut up potato's, carrots, celery and broccoli into broth. (I usually do the potato's and carrots first, they take a little longer to cook!) Once all veggies are tender turn burner to low and add crm. celery soup and milk. Once they are well combined add Velveeta until melted...finally ENJOY!!

By the's not to bad for you either, so it won't hurt the waistline!!

Hard to move on...

I am finding it hard to blog about anything other than Hannah and Rose, and their family. It seems somewhat cold to just go on with life as usual...and not dwell on the loss of Rose and tiny Hannah in the NICU. It has consumed my thoughts for the past week...just seven days ago I sat around waiting to hear of their birth...hoping and praying...and now one week later I have just returned from the cemetery where we said our final goodbyes to that sweet little girl who we "held" for such a short time.

I wanted to share with you the words that Roses' daddy wrote to her...they are beautiful...

Little Rosebud,

You were only with us a short while,
but we loved you more than you ever could have known.
From the moment we knew you were in momma's tummy,
we started dreaming about you-
about how you'd look, how big your smile would be,
how loud you'd laugh and how hard you'd fight with Tessa.

We had big dreams for you, little lady.

But our dreams were simple
compared to the dreams Jesus has for you.
You went straight from our arms into His
and you're seeing things we've never even imagined.
Down here, your eyes were never open,
and I want you to didn't miss a thing.
I'm so happy that the very first thing you ever saw
was the smiling face of Jesus as He waited for you
with His arms wide open.

Well, I'm getting to the end, but it's hard to say goodbye.
Just know that your momma and I love you and that
your brothers and sisters do as well--
they're always asking what you're doing in heaven.

And whenever they ask, we tell them you're laughing
and that you're running, that you're playing with Jesus
and that you're flying.

Keep flying, Princess, until we meet you there.


Daddy, Mommy, Madi, Caleb, Andrew, Tessa and Hannah

I have decided to move all updates and prayers to the right side of the blog...I'll keep you posted on the needs of this family. Though it is hard to move on...we know where Rose is, and we will one day see her again.

"How very softly you tiptoed into our world. Almost silently. Only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footsteps have left on our heart"

Sunday, September 23, 2007

one day at a time...

I thought I would update you on the Hansen family. Everyone is doing well. The children at home are processing the loss of their sister...though they all have different levels of understanding! But I've been told they are doing well. Dan and Tami are doing well too.

Hannah continues to do well. She definitely has ups and downs...but she seems to be coming through all the challenges in a positive way.

Here is a list of specific ways to uplift this family in prayer...

For Hannah;
*continued strength and progress
*the medicine for her heart will be successful
*she will begin to gain weight

For Dan and Tami;
*strength while making funeral arrangements
*adequate rest and nutrition
*safety while traveling to and from the hospital

For Caleb, Maddie, Andrew and Tessa;
*continued understanding of the loss of Rose
*patients during the long road to bring baby Hannah home

It is amazing to see God working through this family...they are feeling all the prayers...keep it up!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"...for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven"

Shortly before 9pm this evening sweet little Rose Kathryn went to be with Jesus. She is now perfect in every way!!

She died in her mothers arms, and was surrounded by her family. Her little lungs just couldn't handle this great big world. She had the most precious tiny little hands...and ears...everything was just wasn't ready to be here.

I find it truly amazing that this tiny little life...who we've known for such a short time...and who was among us for only one day...had so captured our hearts.

Hannah is still doing well. She is a feisty little one!! I'm pretty sure she is going to be strong willed...but that is just my prediction.

Continue to uplift this family in your prayers!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

They're here...**UPDATED**

Again...I have only part of the story...details to come...but Rose and Hannah are both here. The birth went well...the girls are OK...both are on ventilators...the doctors are encouraged by their conditions. That is all I have for now. Mom is doing well, she had to spend some time in recovery before she could go see the girls, but she is doing well.

I plan on stopping there after school tomorrow so I hope to have all the details tomorrow. Keep up the prayers...God's been answering them so far!!!

**I have "some" details.**

Hannah Noel; 2lbs. 13oz. length...tiny (that is all I was told!)

Rose Kathryn; 1lb. 11oz. length...again just tiny!

Hannah has been taken off of her ventilator she is apparently a little fighter(Marissa...I think it might be in the I know two Hanna(h)'s that "beat the odds!!)...little Rose will remain on her vent for "a while"...what that means I am not sure!!

But a great big PRAISE THE LORD!!! for the answered prayers so far!! I am hoping that there will be pictures of the girls that I can see I won't be allowed in the NICU...and I can't wait to find out if they are indeed identical which was a possibility!! I will keep the updates coming for anyone who is interested! Thank you for being a prayer warrior for these two precious little miracles!! Keep those prayers coming!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Prayers needed... *UPDATE*

I would like to ask everyone to pray for my cousin who is pregnant with twins. She is 28 weeks along and they are going to take the babies tomorrow. I don't have all the details...but it sounds like during a routine ultrasound...something just wasn't right. The babies are around 2 lbs. right now...and this is the start of a very...very long road. They have 4 other children at home...and to say this is scary/stressful, would be an understatement. Please pray for health, and strength for everyone involved...uplift them in prayer. Our God is amazing...lets watch Him work a miracle in these two little lives!!

**I just returned from the hospital. It appears there is a problem with the circulation of baby A (Rose). Her blood is not circulating properly throught the placenta. She is estimated to be
1 lb. 10oz.

Baby B (Hannah) has no known problems. She is estimated at 2lbs. 10oz.

They will be delivered via c-section tomorrow around 4:30 pm. Their biggest concern will be breathing. Let's pray for big, healthy, working lungs...lots of crying in the delivery room would be the most beautiful sound!! The girls are looking at up to two months in the hospital...which will be hard for their parents who will be traveling to and from Zeeland every day...and equally hard for their siblings who will have a big adjustment in their lives too.

If you can...please join me in uplifting this whole family in prayer. Especially around 4:30pm Tuesday. This is just the begining of a long...uphill journey for this family. Let's watch God preform a miricle in little Rose and Hannah's lives!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

it could be worse...

Haidyn has been running a fever since the early hours of Monday morning...and she has a horrid dry cough...shes been out of school for the past 2 days...the doctor says it's "post nasal drip"? I'm not sure I agree...but I don't have the medial degree!!

This is how I went to the grocery store this morning at 7:15am (to buy Tylenol for #3). Whats worse...I didn't notice it until I was walking around the store!!(I said to myself..."self? somethings feels a little weird!") Then I just prayed no one would look at my feet. My life has been a little crazy lately...the start of the school year has been kicking my butt!! (In my defence...I had been up for about 45 min., the house was dark, we all own flip-flop, they are all different was an honest mistake...?I have no explanation for the two left feet??)

But... it could be worse...I could be to busy to take the time to notice this!!! This was tonight's sunset!!! Beautiful isn't it? Gods little...(or big), way of telling matter the craziness of my life He is always here...especially in the ordinary things...I just have to take the time to notice them!! I'm certain that God is the only one who could create something this amazing. I thought I'd share it with case you missed it(or don't live in west Michigan)!!

"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, ... I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." Genesis 28:15

Thursday, September 6, 2007

In His image...

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:26-28

(This section of this post has been removed...because my dear husband thought it my be offensive to some? I found it funny and thought provoking...I personally feel that God has a sense of humor...and I didn't intend it to be sac religious or to offend anyone. You can now locate this section of this post in the comment section for this post if you would be interesting in reading it. Enter at your own discretion...those with no sense of humor...might want to skip it?)

God created ALL of us in His image. Not just everyone who looks like me...or believes like me...not just the people I like...or those who like me...EVERYONE!! The people who live half way around the world...who I will never meet...who maybe have never even heard the name Jesus...yep...God created them...and...IN HIS IMAGE, just like me.

As a mom I have gotten the "What does God look like?" question a few times. And I always come up with an answer that "seems" to satisfy? "Well...we won't really know til we get to heaven...but I'm sure He is amazing!" But...this morning the best answer came to me, I think, He must "look" like ALL of us...

but...image isn't just how we look; it's not our size or shape, it's not the color of our skin or hair...

Image; vb: meaning: to create a representation of.

In the end it doesn't really matter what God looks like, His physical appearance isn't the part of His image that's most important!!

So...those are my thoughts for this beautiful Thursday morning. Have a great day...and when you walk out your door...remember just who It is you represent!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

and so it begins...

...up early and off to school. It creeps up on me every year.

We had a great thought I'd share some of it with you...

The girls and I are adjusting (s-l-o-w-l-y) to this new schedule. It may take awhile to get into a good routine again. It sure was easy to fall out of the routine though?!?

Anyway, Tatelynn started 6th grade, middle school (already)...6 different classes, lockers (with combinations), her school starts an hour earlier, I think the adjustment is hardest on her.

Quincey started 4th grade. She loves school, was so ready to go back, and is right back into the "swing" of things. I think the adjustment is the easiest on her...she is a morning person.

Haidyn started 1st grade. She was ready to go back too. Or maybe her mother was ready for her to go back...maybe both? She sometimes has trouble applying herself...she is rather strong willed...someone told me she could be a future world leader? None-the-less she seems to be liking it a lot...she is very tired at the end of the day...but that makes bedtime pretty easy.

I, Shannon, started my 2nd year at Davenport University. I am taking 12 credits...I am wondering if that was a wise decision...but this time last year I was wondering the same thing about going back to school in the first place. It is going to take a lot of commitment, and even more time management. This could be interesting!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

What does $130.50 get you these days...

  • 5 tickets to Michigan's Adventure
  • $8 parking pass
  • 2 rides on the Mad Mouse
  • 2 rides on the Cork Screw
  • 2 rides on the Sea Dragon
  • 2 rides on the Falling Star
  • 2 rides on the Wolverine Wildcat
  • 4+ rides on Shivering Timbers
  • a few rides on some of the smaller "carnival" type rides
  • 3 Large sodas
  • 1 Large slushy
  • 2 hours in the water park on various slides and in the pools, enjoying the refreshing, cool water!!


  • 10 hours of FUN! FUN! FUN! with our friends the Roelofs.

@ $13.05 per hour...I would say we found the deal of a lifetime!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Two parks for the price of one, FUN!! FUN!!

We have just returned from a great day at Michigan's Adventure. We have a little bit of sun burn... sore feet...wet towels and suits...and some more great memories!! Everyone is fast asleep after our 14 hour "vacation" today. 10 hours at the park...wonderful weather...many rides ridden...many laughs...many screams...Haidyn's first time on ALL....yes, all of the BIG coasters, with absolutely no tears. She's a brave one!!!

What a great way to say goodbye to summer!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Thoughts for the last week of summer...

Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Failure keeps You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only
God keeps You Going!!!

Enjoy this last week of summer vacation with your children...just 7 more days...Lord, let us all make it in one piece!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

We're not in Kansas anymore...

We had quite the storm roll through last night. It hit shortly after 9pm, the wind picked up, it was raining cats-and-dogs, it was like a scene straight out of TWISTER. The sky was dark, and when the lightning flashed, it shown eerily through the quickly moving black clouds.

It was over about as quick as it started...and this is what was left in its path...

We lost two tree...limbs?? (I would call one of them a whole tree...but alas it was only part of the greater tree). One fell "safely" in the backyard, hitting nothing, and the other fell squarely on our garage, and hangs over a little on the sides too!!

So my day has been spent on the phone with the insurance company, and the tree cleaner-upper people. I should have become a tree cleaner-upper person, it is apparently quite lucrative!! In true insurance company is just a crock what they will, or rather...will not cover. But...I have been trying to look at it in a "glass half full" kind of could have fallen on the of us could have been really could have been much...much worse.

The neighbors didn't fair to well either. They lost a few greenhouses, and a lot of plastic from the greenhouses.

In all the discussions today the word "tornado" has been tossed around a little?! I will say that this is as close to a tornado as I ever care to get.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

On this day in 1976...

Bread: $.30/loaf
Milk: $1.42/gal.
Eggs: $1.28/doz.
Car: $5,418
Gas: $.60/gal.
House: $48,000
Stamp: $.13/ea.
Avg. Income: $16,870/yr.
Min. Wage: $2.30/hr.

Popular T.V shows:

Happy days
Little House on the Prairie
Mork & Mindy
Chralie's Angels

Hot New Toys:

Stretch Armstrong
The Bionic Women
Barbie Glamour Head

Popular Songs:

Oh What a Night by Four Seasons
Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John & Kiti Dee
If You Leave Me Now by Chicago

US President: Gerald R. Ford

US Vice President: Nelson A. Rockefeller


I, Shannon Nicole
was born...

7lbs. 6oz.
19 inches long.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Deep cleaning...and Jack Johnson

I have this entire weekend off of work...and with my return to school right around the corner... I am DEEP cleaning my house. I may have to have a garage sale when all is said and done. I am venturing into the depths of cupboards and closets to discover the stuff, that when shoved in there...I just couldn't live without...but, having not seen or used it in...months...if not years, it is out of here!! Along with all the toy/games that the girls never "play" with...oh, it all comes out of the closet from time to time...but it doesn't get "played" with. Question? Why do kids do that??? Anyway... I am talking washing the walls kind of cleaning should be boat loads of fun...

Now...on to Jack Johnson. He happens to be one of my new favorites in the music department...I just love the sound of his music...if that makes any sense? Take a listen...

So...while dusting, and mopping, and sweeping, and scrubbing...I will be listening to Jack Johnson...and smiling!! Have a great weekend all!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Where does the time go???

Is it hiding in a closet somewhere? or...Has it been abducted by aliens? I'm pretty sure that I haven't used it all up! Have I?? It seems like the girls and I were just getting out of school...and now...our return is right around the corner!! Tatelynn is going to be in middle school this year...unbelievable!! "baby" is going to be in first grade...all day...everyday...equally unbelievable!!

When Tate was born someone much older and wiser than I said "now time is going to start to fly just watch!" And...boy were they right. My kids seem to be growing up at light speed!!'s all fun, but sometimes I wish I could turn back time to when the girls were so small and snugly...and just keep it there for a little while. They grow up way to fast...I really need to slow down and take it all this rate...Oh dear...I am not going to go there!!! I am not quite ready to visualize what's in the not to distant future!!I think I'm with Cam on this's looking like they may have to be "locked in a closet" until they are...say 30...ish!!! Just kidding...I think?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sad news...Prayers needed...

I just wanted to ask everyone to pray for my cousin, his girlfriend, and the couple who were planning on adopting their daughter, along with all their family members.

After a very complicated pregnancy it was discovered that the baby passed away sometime during the last week. At 38 weeks was just amazing that she had not entered this world so much earlier. I have been in shock all day...I find it so hard to understand that this could really be in Gods plan? Sometimes, I guess, there are things that aren't meant to be understood. I have asked "why?' today more times than I can count...and it has been awhile since I have had such a deep sadness in my heart. The families are doing has been such a long road, and no one ever imagined it would end this way.

It's going to be a hard weekend for everyone...please pray for Gods grace and peace.

Friday, August 3, 2007


I happened to kind the first Karate Kid movie at Target...very cheap of course...and I thought the girls might like it...I sure did back in 1984'ish!!! The very first scene my girls were making fun of the very tight...very short...very high waisted shorts, and we have all been "wax on...wax off"ing for the past few days. Ya gotta love Mr. Myagi!!

We have since purchased #2 and we're in the process of getting #3!!! They are as good as I remembered them being...oh to travel down memory lane!!

So...if you're looking for something to do this weekend...

Thursday, August 2, 2007


You'll always be 17 days older than me!!
Love ya!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I received a call from my cousin, Tami today. She is pregnant...due December 18th...had an ultrasound yesterday...found out they are being blessed with twins!!!!! This doesn't seem like anything too note-worthy to those of you who do not know my cousin...but...this will be child #5 and 6 for her and her husband!!! Now that's a bit of a sock in the gut. Not only that but...this is their second set of twins!!! And...the first set of twins were also due guessed it December 18th!!! This is her fourth pregnancy, and when all is said and done...she'll have 6 children.

  • Maddie...6 yrs. old...born November, 2000
  • Caleb...6 yrs. old...born November, 2000
  • Andrew...3 yrs old...born October, 2003
  • Tessa...2 yrs. old...born February, 2005
  • and the twins....currently 20 weeks along in mommas tummy!!
She has had a couple hard pregnancies resulting in many weeks in the hospital (pre birth) and 3 preemies!!! They are hoping to get her to 35 weeks. The first twins and Tessa were born at 34 weeks. So please send up a little prayer that all will go well...and the babies stay put for 15 weeks or so!! As you might guess...they are feeling a little overwhelmed...Tami said they just look at each other and laugh!! The siblings-to-be, of course, are thrilled!! cousin Kristen and her husband became the parents of a little boy today. Their second son...Owen Daniel arrived today shortly after 4pm. Weighing in at 6lbs. 11oz. and measuring 19 ins. long. He has made Micah, who turned 1 in January, a big brother!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Picture this...

If I had a digital camera, I would have captured this moment "on film". But...I do not, so you will have to use your imagination. (it's OK...I heard it is good for us (adults), it stimulates the brain.)

Alright....if you know our Haidyn you know that she doesn't go one day without putting on a dress. Well... yesterday I returned home from work and she was outside playing in this pink sundress.I had picked up hot n' ready pizza for dinner so everyone came in to eat. Haidyn had taken the top down on the dress so she was topless (also not unusual because when in our house she frequently goes in just undies). She must have sensed the confusion coming from the rest of us cause she said "see, I can make my dress into a skirt, I just have to take the top down."

So, of course we deducted that her sundress must be a convertible!

We informed her that when wearing her dress in this way she needs to find a lovely top to go with it.

Oh the things this child comes up with. Isn't it great that God gives strong willed children such a great sense of humor...whether they know it or not!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

If it were up to women...

Public restrooms would look more like this...(but...BETTER!!)
Admit it ladies...we've all done it...and quite works!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Acts of Random Kindness...

I took the girls to see the movie Evan Almighty this morning.

It is great!!!

It has a couple wonderful messages...

1st: we can change the world one
at a time!!

2nd: When we pray for something...i.e. patients, or a closer family
God is not going to say...OK here you go!!
No...He give us the opportunity to be patient...the opportunity to have a closer family.
God never said anything was going to be easy. Do you think that it was easy for Noah to trust God and build that ark?? Heck no!!! I'm sure everyone thought he had gone absolutly looney!! I'm sure he felt he had gone absolutely looney at times. But...even though he may have fought God every step of the way...Noah built that boat anyway!!

God gives us the opportunity to do, and be everything we ask of him...we just have to trust in Him no matter the road he takes us down.