I received a call from my cousin, Tami today. She is pregnant...due December 18th...had an ultrasound yesterday...found out they are being blessed with twins!!!!! This doesn't seem like anything too note-worthy to those of you who do not know my cousin...but...this will be child #5 and 6 for her and her husband!!! Now that's a bit of a sock in the gut. Not only that but...this is their second set of twins!!! And...the first set of twins were also due on...you guessed it December 18th!!! This is her fourth pregnancy, and when all is said and done...she'll have 6 children.
- Maddie...6 yrs. old...born November, 2000
- Caleb...6 yrs. old...born November, 2000
- Andrew...3 yrs old...born October, 2003
- Tessa...2 yrs. old...born February, 2005
- and the twins....currently 20 weeks along in mommas tummy!!

Also...my cousin Kristen and her husband became the parents of a little boy today. Their second son...Owen Daniel arrived today shortly after 4pm. Weighing in at 6lbs. 11oz. and measuring 19 ins. long. He has made Micah, who turned 1 in January, a big brother!!