and what an eventful year it was...
- we all got older
- some grew taller
- some grew wider
- Cam got a new job
- sweat Hanna came home from Ethiopia
- the girls spent a week at camp
- this blog began
- school ended
- school began
- 5 babies were born
- 2 babies died
- our annual trip to Michigan's Adventure with the Roelofs
- Cam and Shann took an anniversary trip to the U.P.
- construction began on the Nienhuis cabin
- teeth were lost
- teeth grew in
- Tate hunted for the first time, shot a gun for the first time, and shot her first duck
- we spent great times with family, cousins, and friends
- we were loved
- we loved
- we stressed (some of us more than others)
- we laughed
- we cried
- we took steps forward
- we took steps backwards
- and...through it all we did our best to trust Gods plan for us
And now...we look forward with great excitement to what the Lord has in store for us in 2008!!
Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
"May the Lord continually bless you with heaven's blessings as well as with human joys." PSALM 128:5