Five people up at the butt-crack of dawn = not a pretty sight
Breakfast for 5 at the Mc Donalds in Cadillac = $19 (because the girls HAD to have hot chocolate...and I didn't check the price!)
2 trips across the Mighty Mackinaw bridge = $6
Bait for fishing = $10
19 gallons of gas at an average of $4.22/gallon = $80
566 miles of "Are we there yet"s, and "She's touching me"s =
at least 3 Tylenol upon arrival to destination and possibly a "mommy" drink or two!
Spending time with family in the b-e-a-utiful upper peninsula of Michigan = PRICELESS!!
There are some things money can't buy!!

(these two are best buds...they are like two peas in a pod)
We had a great time in the UP over the weekend. We went to the parade and fireworks in Cedarville on Friday...and I will have to say that the Yoopers really know how to celebrate the 4th of July! I have never seen so much candy thrown out at one parade in my life!! The kids took home a haul of candy greater than any Halloween on record in the Van K. household! And...I think that every resident of the whole entire eastern side of the UP was in attendance at this parade...and they all stuck around for the fireworks at night...which were pretty good too! We had a great spot from which we could view both the Cedarville and Drummond Island fireworks displays...the kids LOVED it...and the parents certainly weren't disappointed!
(this isn't the "real" fireworks show...just a "pre" show, if you will)
We spent a little time out at camp...but the water is still very cold (50 something degrees) so not much swimming occurred. The boys did a fair amount of fishing...Eric had better luck than Cam...but he was very generous in giving Cam praise for being a darn good netter! (Cam did manage to catch a few during the last outing!!)
The kids had a great time together...doing anything and everything they could think of! They were quite hopped up on candy the whole they had energy to just keep going and going and going...

We dropped Tate and Quinn off at camp on our way home...they will be there for the rest of the week. And Haidyn is going to day camp all I am going to continue the "great clean out".
I hope that our next visit to the UP will be very soon...but for now...we are happy to be back "down below".