We spent the day in Chicago yesterday. We started out at the airport (see below post)...and after we left there we met our friend the Stephan's at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Cam decided, for all of us, that we will NEVER live in Chicago...for as much as he would have rather not had to do any driving in or around the city...he did really well.
We also discovered that no matter what you do in the city, it is going to cost you a lot of money, well everything except going to the Lincoln Park Zoo...that is totally FREE!! And I am dutch...so...free is good!
We met Karen, Sarah and Sam at about 12:30 and spent the afternoon catching up...eating...and seeing some really cool animals and exhibits. The kids had a great time together...Quinn and Sarah are best buds and even though they haven't seen each other in over a year...they caught up quickly and were making all sorts of plans for future visits...Quinn was quite honestly ready to go home with them right then and there!
We decided that we will need to meet in Chicago again sometime (it is half way between us)...we decided that we may just take the train in and get a cab to avoid the need to find a parking place...which is about as close to impossible as anyghing can get, and extremely costly. The Stephan's take the train in when they come and cab fare is a little cheaper than parking...so...hopefully this was just the beginning of our Chicago visits with the Stephan's!