I have really been a bit of a blog neglector for the last few months. Not reall by choice...more by necessity...or rather more by...the computer was struck by lightning, rendering it absolutely un-usable.
A lot has happened in the 4+ months that we were without daily internet access. I will try to catch you up with a lovely bullet point run down...
- June 19, Storms hit, lightning takes out VanKoevering family computer...many basements are flooded around West Michigan, and complete roads are washed away.
- July 3rd, the VanKoevering family heads up North to the VanKoevering cottage for the holiday weekend...lots of swimming, fishing, kayaking and smore making!
- July 6-10, Shannon has a whole week off of work...and spent time at the Nienhuis cabin, and with Tami and the kids out a Sandy Pines...and just relaxing =]
- August 6, we spent a wonderfully fun day at Michigans Adventure with the whole Nienhuis family * minus Cam who couldn't get off of work =[ *
- August 7-9, we spent the weekend up at the cottage with our friends the Woodards and Katsmas...deep fried turkey...card games...swimming...boating...fishing...and LOTS of laughter.
- August 19th...Shannon's birthday...she turned 30 something...and her husband brought her the most beautiful bouquet of flowers...so loved she is =]
- Labor Day weekend was spent up north at the cabin...very quiet, very relaxing
- September 8th...the girls go back to school...Tate into 8th grade, Quinn into 6th grade and Haidyn into 3rd grade.
- September 16th...Cam and Shannon have been married for 14 years =]
- October 1-4...Shannon and her mom travel to Washington to visit family and sight see...great time!
- November 7...annual VanKoevering girls photo shoot.
So...there I think that about sums up the goings on since my absence began. I have NO idea if any of my hand full of "loyal" readers still check in here, or if they have given up on me completely.
Next up...Christmas greatings from our house to yours...stay tuned...we may just get a little crazy and creative this year??