Thursday, September 30, 2010

Choices... I was standing in Target the deodorant isle to be precise...and I got to thinking.
Why is it that there has to be so many choices for something that you slather in your armpit? Would it not be so much easier if there were 2's and woman's? I had to have a 2 minute argument with my 14 year old because she wanted the $3.29 cherry almond scent single bottle, while I leaned toward the $4 double pack of the shower fresh scent. IT IS FOR YOUR ARMPIT. Does anyone really stick there face right in there? Do you invite people in the take a sniff??? "hey, you should really smell this wonderful cherry almond deodorant I just is amazing *raise arm above head*...take a sniff". Um...I don't think anyone would take you up on that.
So...this of course got me to thinking that there are just WAY to many choices in the world. Shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper...the list is endless. Just think about Target there is a whole isle...both sides dedicated to hair products! A whole isle for deodorant, toothpaste, laundry soap!
My children have become to accustom to choices that they feel as though there life is not complete unless their armpits smell edible!!
Sometimes I wish I could transport us all back to before all the choices arrived, back to when you got what you got, and you were thankful for it. When the store was small, the choices were limited, and life was just so much simpler.
But...for now...I will wake up in the morning, shower and put on my $2 shower fresh deodorant and I will face the day. children will have to go off to school without edible smelling pits...but I am OK with that!