Wow...I am fairly certain that no one ever checks in on this thing anymore. I will have to admit to rarely checking on it myself. Which is quite obvious since my last entry was 7 months ago. A lot can happen in 7 months...and a lot has happened. 7 months ago the girls were just getting settled into a new school year, Cam was getting increasingly unsettled in his job, and I was loving my job and the people I was working with.
Now...jump ahead 7 months...the girls are wrapping up the school year, all looking forward to summer. Cam is LOVING his NEW job, and I...well I am loving my NEW job too!
Ok...lets back up and reminisce about things some of the finer points of the last 7 months, shall we?
In October we were very please to welcome my older brother and his family back to the lower peninsula. They moved from Hessel in the Upper Peninsula where my brother had been working at an Intervarsity Hart where he is now working at Grace Adventures youth camp. We are so very excited to have so close to us *Haidyn being the most excited to have Taylor so close*
We were blessed to be able to spend the holidays with our families.
The week between Christmas and New Years found us up north at the cottage. Cam was enjoying his one week of "retirement" before he started his new job. The rest of us were just enjoying a little peace. The weather left much to be desired...not enough snow for outdoor fun...then it rained and the snow was all gone...then the new layer of water on the lake froze making one very large skating rink...if you could stay on your feet. But...the fishing was fabulous and the boys...and some of the kids had a great time catching perch! Then I got the call that I had been waiting and hoping for. An interview to transfer to the hospital!!! I had been applying for about 6 months and finally it looked like it would happen.
I had my interview the first week of January and by the 13th I was offered a position in the ER.
It was/is a full time position. 3 twelve hour shifts per week. 11am to 11pm. I LOVE it. It is the best thing that has happened for my family in a while. Me being home for whole days during the week, able to go on field trips, just stop in and bring the girls lunch, help in the classroom if needed! It has been a blessing indeed.
Cam started working in the greenhouses the first week of January. He has been enjoying it greatly. He is home every night. He is able to go to the girls school events. He is able to get things done around the house. He is happy...and we are all LOVING that! I think that God knew this would be good for him. Just last night we were talking about how Cam has had to slow down when walking with my dad because he does not move as fast as Cam does. *Cam takes VERY long father...does NOT* I said...maybe God is trying to get you to adopt a slower pace in life! *do you ever have those moments where the light bulb goes on...and you are sure if you look up it will be there right over your head* It was one of those moments. Sometimes he is so busy, and moves so fast to "get it done" that he misses being able to enjoy things. And then, he makes statements like "they grow up so fast" or "where has the time gone". Well...when you are moving so becomes a blur. *Again the Wisdom of my father Amazes me*
In February we FINALLY got to witness the wedding of my younger brother to the most amazing women!! We are so blessed to have her in our family *truth be told I think we all knew she would be around forever shortly after we met her for the first time*. It was a beautiful winter day, and the ceremony was equally as beautiful, and the reception was one heck of a celebration. There was so much love and laughter and catching up with people that we don't see often enough! Many comments were made about how we need to do that more often!
February 10, Quincey Hope turned 13...a teenager now...with the attitude to go with it.
March 1, Tatelynn Elise turned 15...holy crap am I really old enough to have a 15 year old...INSANE!! She is starting to find her place in this world...and we are starting to like the place she has found =]
April 21, Haidyn Johanna turned 10. She is still quite something...defiantly a youngest child, she always keeps us entertained.
So...there you have it...and the day's continue to go by...but hopefully we have learned to not let them go by unnoticed.