I will have to admit that upon hearing the weather forecast I so badly wanted a snow day today...that is... I wanted Davenport to have a snow day today. I have said before that our family(actually the youngest members of our family) just really seem to have trouble getting along. But...in their defence...and much to my surprise...they are doing quite well today. It started out a little rough...but we manged to successfully tidy up the house with no major battles, and we even took a trip to Charlies dump for about a half an hour of sledding, and much to Haidyns' delight...facewashing.(she was the facewash-er...not the fasewash-ie)
It is currently rather peaceful (don't worry, I just knocked on wood...I know better). They are all upstairs playing together, I have no idea what...and I am not going to venture up there to see...I do hear the occasional pitter patter of feet...and a word or two from all three...sooooo...I will leave it at that, no one is screaming, I don't think anyone has been bound and gaged...who'da thought it could happen??
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