Tatelynn Elyse entered the world at 3:32PM, (on the very day she was due)
8lbs. 3oz. and 19 inches long.
She was bald as a cue ball...but to us she was the most beautiful baby in the world.
(well...Cam thought she was funny looking...but he thinks all newborns are funny looking.)
And now...she is twelve years old...and if the truth be told...she is as tall as me...if not a teeny, tiny bit taller (I am secretly excited that she got her fathers height...being short isn't good for much!)
She's a very unique individual...who has her moments. She loves to not get along with her sisters, and her parents for that matter...but she loves us just the same. She is very much a girly-girl...(without the pink loving part). Give her a pair of comfy sweats and a hoodie and some tortilla chips and pop and she'll be your friend for life (or at least until she gets mad at you).
I can't believe she's twelve already... where does the time go?
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