Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thoughts for Thursday...

Today was a b-e-autiful day here in Michigan. I was soaking in the sun, I got to thinking how funny we Michiganders are this time of year...the temperature got up above 50 degrees today, and out came the shorts and t-shirts, and some even went so far as to don the flip flops!

Why is it that we somehow forget that just 5 short months ago when the temperature dipped into the 50's...we all dug out the long jeans and sweatshirts?

This phenomenon is only one of many that plagues those of us who live in this wonderful state!

What is it that keeps us here anyway?


Be the Good said...

I would have to say that I would live in some pretty crappy climates just to be close to our friends and family! I have some pretty lonely friends who have beautiful weather. I wouldn't trade it for all the sun and warmth in the world!

the VanKoevering's said...

Yeah...if I didn't live here, I would go to Montana which has a climate no better than Michigan...but in it's defense it does have mountains...but on the other hand it doesn't have my family and in the end I will have to agree with you, oh wise one!

Be the Good said...

"Wise one" might be shoveling "it" a little deep, but I do love ya!

the VanKoevering's said...

Oh, come should always except a compliment graciously!
(Even if the complimentor was just shoveling "it"!)

I hope you are all having a fabulous day!

See in this weekend!