Monday, April 26, 2010
what do you get when you add...
You get a whole lot of fun...that's what!!!
I had the privilage of being able to get off of work to spend the day with Haidyn and her class in and around the Grand Rapids Public Museum today.
It was a beautiful day for it...the sun was shining the whole time *which was a blessing after the weekend we had*
Her class has been learning about Michigan history, specifically about the Native American's that lived in this area many years ago...and about the importance of the Grand River to their life here!
We started out learning about the Native American people, we listen to a Native American version of Cinderella, and we ended with a "Riverwalk" through parts of Grand Rapids.
It was a wonderful day...I am so glad I was able to go =]
kitchen floor...
*and hot* husband...
I now have this wonderful floor to come home to every day!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
I am going mad waiting for some news!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
leaping and waiting
It is the thing that I set out to accomplish years ago.
I said this very "thing" out loud...and I meant it,
and I believed that someday it would be so. that I find it litterally with in my reach...
I am second guessing myself,
rethinking that belief in my dream,
maybe there is a different plan,
maybe I should just leave well enough alone,
not mess with a good thing...
but...I know this thing will be a better situation for me,
for my family,
I know that it makes all the sense in the world...
but...I know that it is not up to me,
I am who I am,
I have the skills He has given me,
and..,it is not up to them,
they might think it is... the end...
it is up to the One who has known the plan for 33 years,
it is hard to resign my hopes and fears,
to just leap,
to just have faith,
to just know that what is meant to be will be,
to just give it to God,
and just wait...patiently
but...that is where I am...
waiting for Him to show me my path!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I'd like to think that in my short time here on earth I have been witness to some pretty amazing things...the birth of my children being a one of those amazing things, and believe me...the list goes on and on.
While at work today I was thinking about all the babies/children that are due to arrive between today *like literally any day now* and the end of this year.
In Cam's immediate family alone there are 4!!! 3 by way of adoption, and 1 by way of the womb! And there are 3 more in the extended Hassavoort family *this is Cam's mothers family*.
Now, if you know anything about the Hassevoort know that it is a numerous bunch...we have taken Genesis 9:7 quite literally "Now be fruitful and multiply, and repopulate the earth."
Family gatherings are loud, rambunctious affairs...but these affairs are filled with GREAT love and happiness. any given family gathering you will find our patriarchs sitting and watching...I would imagine in great amazement as to what their family has become. THEIR family...a family that started with just Bud and Gert almost 63 years ago. I wonder if they ever imagined how their family would grow?
While I sat at work today thinking, I did some figuring...and what I found out makes me smile... the end of 2010...the Hassevoort family that started as a family of 2 in 1947, will have grown to an AMAZING 100 people!!!
Seriously...100 people in one limb of my family tree!!
And what is even crazier...this family is far...very, very far from being done growing!!
* Hassevoort family STATS.
- 2 parents
- 6 kids
- 6 spouses
- 25 grand children
- 17 spouses
- 37 great grand children
- 7 great grand children on the way
GRAND TOTAL...100!!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Under Construction...
So...there will be some changes happening over the next few days to get this blog back "up to snuff". And then I hope you will regain faith in me and see fit to stop by and visit every now and again. I can promise that you will be brought through a whole range of will certainly find yourself wide eyed and shaking your head in amazement, and you will most definatly come to a better understanding of what life is like in this crazy house!!