Thursday, May 6, 2010


I LOVE that my mom and dad own greenhouses
I LOVE that for many years I was able to work there in the springtime
I LOVE that my girls get to work there now
I LOVE that you can't really go to the greenhouses without smelling "earthy" when you leave =]
I LOVE that when I go there, and smell the "earthiness" it brings back MANY wonderful memories
I LOVE that I am not able to walk through the greenhouses without "cleaning" the plants
I LOVE that it is, for the most part, a family business, so no matter when I stop there, it is filled with people I love
I LOVE that during the busy shipping season I get to bring dinner over to my parents *it's kind of payback for all the wonderful things they do for me*
I LOVE that having parents with a greenhouse means pretty flower for the yard/garden

Did I mention that I LOVE it?


Be the Good said...

Hey....I've noticed that your previous post is missing and has been replaced by another lovely and very honest post. I hope that you aren't thinking that I took issue with your "mundane lane" post. Quite the contrary, it was honest and made me think and I appreciated it! The new one is nice too, I could smell the dirt! Thanks for sharing!

the VanKoevering's said...

no, they were both up for a while, but I was going through and deleteing old posts that I started but never got around to posting, and I got a little crazy and my mundane lane post ended up gone...and I didn't feel like re doing it. for some reason in the last couple weeks I have started several posts, but never finished them =] I knew that you would appriciate the greenhouse one...I actually almost titled it DIRT...but L.O.V.E. seemed more appropriate

the VanKoevering's said...

by the way...I LOVED your post too...I was almost in tears picturing it in my head =]