Thursday, December 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Jesus!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Let the parties begin...
We have the first of our holiday gatherings tomorrow night.
I can say that I have all gifts purchased for this party...I, however, can not say that for all my Christmas gatherings. I am a firm believer that if you are not out shopping on Christmas just really don't have the Christmas spirit (read insanity) that some of us do!
Monday, December 15, 2008
I'm such a loser...
Well today was the end of the journey...and much to my surprise...I came in a very respectable 3rd place. While I didn't take home the big prize, the winner was gracious enough to gift myself and the 2nd place winner with $10 and $20 respectively.
I was very excited...while I did consistently was small increments each time. My theory from the beginning was "slow and steady wins the race", and while I may not have won the race...I am exited to have lost a total of 10 lbs since I started working at Metro in July!!!
Now for the challenge of keeping it off, and continuing to shed pounds in the weeks to come.
But for now I am going to enjoy being the "almost" biggest loser!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
It's so good to be back...
I have spent entirely to much time trying to catch up on all the blogs that I haven't been able to visit for some if I ever really have time to waste! I am always behind on everything. I am nowhere near done with Christmas shopping...and I have laundry coming out of my ears! I sit!
Many things have happened since I last made a real post. The most news worthy event happened this morning.
It all started a couple weeks ago when I noticed evidence of a mouse. We live in an old house...and, while I have no idea where they come in, mice are something we deal with every year.
While I know that God does not make mistakes...and all life is precious and has some sort of value...I really wonder what His whole purpose was with the mouse!! In my opinion they are small, furry, bug eyed little devils. They rank right up there with mosquito's...and boils on your backside! I mean if there were anything that was absolutely pointless...the aforementioned would all be on my list. back to the story at hand.
Evidence of a mouse...we all know what that amounts too...tiny mouse poo! Now...for some reason, and we all know this is true, when a mouse decides to become a tenant in your home the first two places that they decide to spend most of there time are...under the stove, and in the silverware drawer! Of course the "evidence" I discovered was in the silverware drawer...and that is just disgusting. I mean all I could envision was the little spawn of Lucifer climbing all over my knives, forks and spoons, and deciding that right there next to the spoons was as good a place as any for a pit stop! So I of coarse took everything out of the drawer and thoroughly sanitized every piece. And it made no sense to put anything back in the we have been keeping the silverware holder on the counter since we noticed our little "devil" had arrived.
Now...I had a few of the glue traps left from a previous unwanted I placed one in the silverware drawer, because he seemed to really like it in there...and one near the stove...because it is a great place to hide when one is small.
So...a few days came and went...with no sign of the evil intruder...until yesterday...when I made a startling discovery...right the middle of the glue, lonely, tiny....TURD!!! (note to self...checking the stickiness of the glue trap that is almost a year old is a wise idea...apparently they lose stickiness over time!)
I decide I better check all the other drawers...only to find a large wad of shredded paper in the very back of the junk drawer.
We've had a busy mouse.
Now I am steamed, it is like the mangy little rodent has flipped me the bird!!
To which I say...GAME ON!
After a couple of hours of deep cleaning...and a run to Gemmens for the most inhumane trap I can find (remember...animal with no worth deserves no mercy) I position glue traps and the good old fashioned "snap" traps in several places around the kitchen...including next to the stove and in the silverware drawer.
There must have been great confusion in the wee hours of the morning when my little mouse foe discovered the wonderful home he had been building was gone...he must have felt as though it were Christmas when his little rodent nose smelled something wonderful coming from just up ahead...and I am not sure what could have been the last thing to go through his tiny little mind...but I certainly hope he was thinking..."well played clever homeowner!!".
Little did my small opponent now when he entered the warm haven he had hoped to call home...that he had entered the home of a women who has been around the block a time or two with several of his forefathers...I've got many a story to tell about other mice who have met with the same fate...either death by perfectly thrown shoe...death by drowning...or death by can be assured that the end results is always...death!!
I actually managed to rid the world of two of the worthless beasts last night...I am hoping that there death came before they were able to produce young. All traps will be reset, and no silverware will be placed in it's proper location until I can say with 100% certainty that our home is mouse free.
I'll keep you posted on the situation.
For now..."The Great Rodent Slayer" is signing off!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
back in business...
I was able to get into the computer and do a little "clean up" all by myself. I restored the computer back to a day before all the trouble began... and I downloaded one of the free virus protections off the Internet!!
(viruses found...80...other "potential risks"...over 300!) Note to self...going 2 years with 0 virus protection = not a good idea!
We have all been reacquainting our back sides with the computer chair, I think that it is as happy for the warmth as we are to be providing it!!
I am being asked repeatedly to get off so #3 can have a turn (FYI she has had more turns than anyone here already!)
More updates to come!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Oh how time flies...
I am working on getting my shopping list together for the "great holiday shopping spree" (who am I kidding I am...and always have been a last minute shopper...December 24 is a great day to be trying to find gifts!) I am finding this to be more true now that I am working full time. When I hear people proclaim that they have there shopping done already...I call them bad names under my breath...and curse them...only for a second and then I come to my senses. In my defence I haven't gotten very good ideas from the parents of the children who's names we have chosen this year...heck...I have a hard time trying to get lists together for my own coming up with something to get for the kids who have everything...not an easy task.
I did brave the "black Friday" crowd to get some great deals on gifts for my girls. They are all going to be surprised on Christmas morning...they usually get cloths...I'm dutch folks tend to be rather practical...I've thrown practical out the window this year (it helps when you have 2 incomes and an actual clothing budget for once in your life!)
We still do not have a working computer at our home. We are going to get through the holidays and see if Cam continues to work on a regular basis before we bring it in to be de-bugged, de-fraged, de-junked, de-whatever they do to it to make it work better. We all are starting to miss it. I needed a recipe that I couldn't find the the cook book the other day...and I've been wanting to do a little "browsing" for Christmas gift ideas...Oh how sad it is that we come to depend on this like we do.
Cam is actually working close to home this is weird to have him home every night...we hardly now what to say to each other...we went away last night and I don't think we said more than a dozen words to each other...sad! I will say that it has been very nice to have the extra body heat in the very cold bed at night.
Well...if anyone has any great gift ideas for boys or girls between the ages of 2 and 6...I could use all the help I can get. It would be really nice to avoid a trip to the store on Dec 24 (especially since I will be at work that day!)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
on hiatus...
- our computer froze up completely (most likely due to the fact that our virus protection has been expired for a year, or more, and it needs more memory)
- our youngest child, whom we love dearly, but sometime wonder about decided that the top of our television was a great place to sit...and you can guess how that more TV!
- New TV was purchased because I was not going to live with 3 children without a TV and computer...unfortunately that means no money for fixing computer...thus my current status.
- Dog ran away
- Dog was found
- Dog crapped all over the house
- Dogs owner wished dog had not been found, and had owner known how to load and shoot a gun dog may be buried in a shallow grave in the back yard.
- Found evidence of mouse in the house (grrrrr!!)
- Got call reminding me that I forgot to pay an important bill, which resulted in a hefty late fee, which I am not above crying to try to get out of. is probably a good thing that I have not and will not have Internet access for awhile...hopefully we will be back up and running in the near future, and maybe our situation will have improved! (maybe???)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
someone...(you know who you are ;)
This someone probably doesn't even realize how much this kindness meant to me...
There is no way that this someone could have known that at about 12:30 today I was thinking to myself..self...doesn't today seem like the perfect day for cheese broccoli soup...
I left work and said to myself...self...what are you going to make for dinner...
I bet you will never guess what was awaiting me when I arrived home from work today...
yup...cheese broccoli soup...
scrumcious...yummy...oh sooooooo good...I didn't have to make it...cheese broccoli soup.
Thank you for your kindness...
God sure knew I needed it today.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
out of the mouths of babes...
Anyway...I discovered that Haidyn has a grasp on the first and last thirds of the books of the Old Testament...but the middle third gives her a run for her money.
So...we will be working on that every night this week.
And...while going through the books of the Bible I was brought back to my Sunday School days...I don't know what grade it was...maybe 3rd? I had Mrs. Meyer as my teacher and as incentive to learn the books of the Old and New Testament she offered anyone who could memorize them a crisp two dollar bill. On the way home from church tonight I decided to do the same for my girls. Two dollar bills are cool, and if it gets them excited about memorizing, I think my budget can afford two dollars here and there.
Now...on to the cutest part of this whole story. After we got home and practiced the books of the Old Testament for about 15 minutes I carried Haidyn up to bed and as I was tucking her in she says..."the Old Testament was the New Testament before the New Testament...Right?".
Makes sense! Something can't be old unless at some point it was new...Right?
The kid cracks me up.
Now...I think I better go dig into the book of can't be a good thing when one just completely forgets about the existence of a whole book of the Bible...although in my is a very small book!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
just when I said I had nothing to blog...
So, in honor of my 200th post here goes...
31 things:
1. Where is your cell phone? on the kitchen counter charging
2. Where is your significant other? Evansville, IN
3. Your hair color? light brown
4. Your mother? Kathy
5. Your father? Ron
6. Your favorite thing? snuggling new babies
7. Your dream last night? didn't have one that I remember
8. Your dream/goal? to do medical missionary work
9. The room you're in? living room
10. Your hobby? photography...when time allows :)
11. Your fear? not getting to see my children grow up (for whatever reason)
12. Where do you want to be in ten years? living in Montana
13. Where were you last night? at home
14. What you’re not? the greatest budget-er of my time
15. One of your wish list items? remodeling the family room
16. Where you grew up? Forest Grove, Michigan
17. The last thing you did? Talked to Cam on the phone
18. What are you wearing? Scrubs
19. Your TV? is on in the other room and no one is watching it
20. Your pet? Deek (black lab)
21. Your computer? Dell
22. Your mood? lonely
23. Missing someone? my husband
24. Your car? Chevy Uplander
25. Something you’re not wearing? lipstick (but I never do)
26. Favorite store? the one with the best deal
27. Your summer? went to fast
28. Love someone? a whole lot of someones!!
29. Your favorite color? warm yellows
30. When is the last time you laughed? at work (laughter happens every day there!)
31. Last time you cried? on Sunday watching Little House on the Prairie, can't go an episode without tears:)
Anyone that feels like joining a comment here with the link to your post....=)
I've come down with a touch of the..
Nothing good (read positive) to write about.
No new pictures to post (had family pics on Sunday...will share when they are available).
No new hilarious "Haidynisms" to share.
Thought you may all enjoy this...
It is good for a smile at least!
**make sure you pause the music to the right before pushing play**
Friday, October 17, 2008
you know your husband works out of town all week when...
spaghetti with parm, no sauce
mashed potatoes with gravy...
this menu is OK with all persons present!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
WWWAT: Capturing the light.

(these photos are in no way photo shopped or changed, they are just exactly how God sent them, and how my camera captured them!)
Monday, October 6, 2008
that's the way of it...
Cam headed out of town again bright and early this morning.
It looks like this is going to be our life for awhile yet.
We do our best to look on the bright side...
it is work...and for that we are thankful.
God promised He would always give us everything we needed for today.
and He does...everyday!
He does not promise that we will eat dinner together every night, or sleep under the same roof every night.
I will admit I am growing weary of this "leg" of our be perfectly sucks!
I am adding this situation to the list of things that I will look back at one day and say..." I know what God was trying to teach me".
But...for now I am just going to continue to have a love - hate relationship with this chapter in my life.
I love how God always provides...but sometimes I can't help but hate the way in which He does it!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
have you ever felt called?
I don't know where this calling stems from.
Did it start way before I saw little Simon precious face?
Is it because my brother worked/lived in Haiti for 9+ months while I was in high school, and I never got to go?
Wherever this feeling comes from, I hope that someday I can do something to help impact the people of Haiti in a positive way. I sometime feel that this call brought me to the medical field, and someday I can use my knowledge in the field to help the people of Haiti.
Isn't it amazing how God works.
A couple years ago I was certain that we would add a child to our family through adoption from I know that I may not be called to adopt a child...God may have used that precious little face to open up a whole other opportunity for me.
I found this video over at the Livesays blog (Haiti Missionaries). I love the song...listen to it close, and it made me think again about listening real close for what God may be trying to tell you.
Happy Tuesday to you all, and remember to listen...listen for what He may be telling you everyday!
Please pray for the people of Haiti. It has been raining way to much and more rain is on the way. People are losing there homes and loved ones, roads are washing is just not a good situation.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
13 years...
I'll be the first to admit that this whole marriage thing ain't all it cracked up to be at times.
Its been a long road...and it's been pretty rough at times.
Sometimes it seems like just yesterday...and other times it seems like forever ago.
But when I look at all that has happened in the last 13 years...
I'd be a fool to think that we've not been blessed beyond measure.
I'd be a bigger fool to think that we did it by our selves.
Gods been guiding us the whole way...(some parts of the 13 years requiring more guidance than others).
Gods handy work was very evident today...when I pulled in the driveway to find my husband was home. He is supposed to be out of town for the week. (I will admit that a little part of me was so touched because I thought he drove home because he remembered it was our anniversary and wanted to surprise me)...but...alas...that was not the case...his schedule has changed and he will be home this week.
But...he did not forget and even offered to take me out for dinner (which is a miracle in and of itself...because he is usually against such spendature's).

Thursday, September 11, 2008
self esteem boost...check!
"I told Mrs. Broek today that you have been remembering to sign my agenda without me even reminding you. Mrs. Broek said that's because your mom is good. I just thought you'd want to know!" is official...I am good!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
thought for thursday...
what do September showers bring?
rain...rain...go away
I know we need thee...
but ye suckith so big time!
**edit to add...
as I walked the trash out to the road at 6 o'clock this morning I discovered one thing that September showers bring...that fresh...clean..."new" smell. Everything has been washed clean...and sometimes we can all use a good washing for sure!!**
September showers also make for great "duck" days. (this one is for Cam...he would agree with me.)
Monday, September 1, 2008
the last hurrah of summer 2008...
Here is a little montage of our fun weekend.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
It's been quite a week...
- I celebrated by birthday...I am now...30 something!!
- we spent a night at the Hudsonville Fair.
- we spent the weekend at the cottage with one of Cams co workers, Wes and his family.
- I became an auntie for the...12th time. Andrew Blayne was born on Saturday. 8lbs 14 oz. cute as a bugs ear (believe me a bugs ear is cute!)
I will get all the pictures loaded and share them tomorrow! It was great week!
Have a wonderful final week of summer! (sniff, sniff)
Friday, August 22, 2008
we can't wait to meet you.
could ever imagine already.
I was wrong.
No new nephew yet.
While his expected date of arrival has not arrived is the hope of all involved (especially the mother) that "little Mr." make his appearance as soon as possible.
Please pray for Marissa and the little guy (who is actually a big guy by the sounds of it).
Thursday, August 21, 2008
one thing...
Sometimes....the sunrises are spectacular!!
Today was one of those days.
Hope you have a great one!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I've come down with...
I have nothing for you.
Same old, Same old around here...
Something exciting needs to happen!!
A new nephew perhaps???
Just a thought.
By my calculation...I will have some blog worthy news no sooner than 32 hours and 35 minutes from now and no later than 56 hours and 35 minutes from now. (that would be anytime on the 19th of August!!!)
So...if I haven't driven you away by my lack of anything new and exciting....stick around and see if my prediction is accurate!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
next step....outhouse??
- taken cold showers
- washed hair in freezing cold water to avoid subjecting entire body to cold shower
- boiled water on stove to do mountain of dishes
- washed cloths in the ditch using the "beat upon a rock" method #4 is not a truthful statement...but who may come to that before the weekend??
We're going with the less is more attitude over here at the Van K "homestead".
I...mean....really...who needs hot water?
Next up...the removal of running water and flush toilets!
It is our theory that if you get rid of it before it gives out on will be less of a shock...and not so sorely missed!
Monday, August 4, 2008
check it out...
**I have added a link to the right to view the slide shows of Tate's trip...there is a new one everyday...just a FYI...I haven't found her in slide show 2...but if you want to...take a look!**
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Cam decided, for all of us, that we will NEVER live in Chicago...for as much as he would have rather not had to do any driving in or around the city...he did really well.
We also discovered that no matter what you do in the city, it is going to cost you a lot of money, well everything except going to the Lincoln Park Zoo...that is totally FREE!! And I am is good!
We met Karen, Sarah and Sam at about 12:30 and spent the afternoon catching up...eating...and seeing some really cool animals and exhibits. The kids had a great time together...Quinn and Sarah are best buds and even though they haven't seen each other in over a year...they caught up quickly and were making all sorts of plans for future visits...Quinn was quite honestly ready to go home with them right then and there!
We decided that we will need to meet in Chicago again sometime (it is half way between us)...we decided that we may just take the train in and get a cab to avoid the need to find a parking place...which is about as close to impossible as anyghing can get, and extremely costly. The Stephan's take the train in when they come and cab fare is a little cheaper than this was just the beginning of our Chicago visits with the Stephan's!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
planes...trains...and automobiles...
She is excited...and a little nervous.
I am a lot nervous...and a little excited.
Visit her blog...Washington DC here I come learn more about her trip.
Our friends from Illinois are going (to take the train) to meet us at the Lincoln Park Zoo for the afternoon. It has been over a year since we have seen them...we are very excited!!
I'll update both blogs when we get home tonight...and throughout the week, as we hear about all the fun adventures she is having.
Please pray for her today and during this week for safety and just for a wonderful experience.
Thank you in advance!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
What does one do when...
one lives in an antique house that doesn't have central air...and...
- it is almost 90 degrees outside (at 10 pm)
- there is absolutely no breeze whatsoever
- one has every window in the house open but...(refer to above bullet point)
- all the fans in the home are fast as they can
- one is wearing as little clothing as one feels is still safely within ones "limits"
- one has every light in the house turned off so as to not create more heat
- one is sitting in a chair doing nothing but typing to avoid expending one avoids creating heat
I'll tell you what one does...
one opens the freezer door...closes ones eyes...and thinks of this...
Happy summer to ya!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
"it" happened...
I'm still very new at my job. And while I feel like I am picking up on things...and things that hurt my brain a few short days ago are now old news...the last couple days I have made some rather large mistakes...and some not so large mistakes...and all of the above needed to be brought to my attention.
No one yelled at me...they simply brought the mistakes to my attention...and kindly showed me how to do them correctly the next time. I know that everyone has been the "new-kid-on-the-block" at one time or another...and I know that all is well...but screwing up just sucks sometimes!
I have had a headache since noon...I ended my day with one more little snafu...I could really use a mommy drink...and I get to get up in the morning and do it all over again.
The silver lining to this situation...I will not make the same mistakes tomorrow...nope...not me, I'm sure I'll encounter a whole new batch of "learning experiences" tomorrow.
I'm gonna find my self a drink...then my pillow...have a great Friday!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
it was time for a "face lift"...
While the Narrow Road (Matthew 7:13) was an excellent title...and it will still remain one of my favorite bible verses...and it will remain the address of this didn't really accurately portray the purpose of this blog.
I use this blog as a way to remember all the fun things that happen in our family...and sometimes the not so fun things. It functions as a journal of sorts.
So...after much thought I decided to rename this blog
Because as the time goes by...faster and faster it seems...I find myself feeling like I blink and another year is gone! I realize that if I don't write it just might be forgotten. And I don't want to forget any of it...the good, the bad, or the ugly!
I'm sure you've also noticed that I changed the look of this blog...mainly because the brown...while very nice...was a little drab for summertime. I had been wanting something a little more bright and vibrant.
So...welcome to the new and improved Van K family blog...I hope you enjoy!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
my first week...
It has been a pretty eventful week...lots of orientation and training...lots and lots of new stuff to wrap my brain around...lots of co-workers to meet...lots of rules to say my mind is mush....that would be an understatement!!!
While I had hoped I would be close to home...I have been placed in Caledonia...which isn't terribly far takes me 20 minutes to get there in the am...and about 25 minutes to get home at is a busy practice with several doctors and staff and (from what I've experienced...great patients!) I continue to learn more every day and look forward to getting more hands on each day as well.
Our family is still in the adjustment phase...but, to my surprise, the girls are doing very well with all the changes (knock on wood) and once school starts, I think this will be an excellent situation!
I hope you are all finding a way to stay cool...Have a great weekend!! If you find yourself in need of medical care...come visit us at Metro! (It's shameless...I know:)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
WWAT: July/Summer Days...
July/Summer wouldn't be complete without some fireworks...and a trip to the lake!
Check out Rachels blog, American Mum to see all the other entries!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Would you want to know???

I thought I would have a poll of my readers, to see if our results were the same as those quoted in the movie.
I...for one...would not want to know...I don't think I'd be able to keep living...I'd just sit around and dwell on it.
I can't wait to see the results!! (See poll to the right of this post!)
Monday, July 7, 2008
I *heart* vacations...
Breakfast for 5 at the Mc Donalds in Cadillac = $19 (because the girls HAD to have hot chocolate...and I didn't check the price!)
2 trips across the Mighty Mackinaw bridge = $6
Bait for fishing = $10
19 gallons of gas at an average of $4.22/gallon = $80
566 miles of "Are we there yet"s, and "She's touching me"s = at least 3 Tylenol upon arrival to destination and possibly a "mommy" drink or two!
Spending time with family in the b-e-a-utiful upper peninsula of Michigan = PRICELESS!!
(these two are best buds...they are like two peas in a pod)
We had a great time in the UP over the weekend. We went to the parade and fireworks in Cedarville on Friday...and I will have to say that the Yoopers really know how to celebrate the 4th of July! I have never seen so much candy thrown out at one parade in my life!! The kids took home a haul of candy greater than any Halloween on record in the Van K. household! And...I think that every resident of the whole entire eastern side of the UP was in attendance at this parade...and they all stuck around for the fireworks at night...which were pretty good too! We had a great spot from which we could view both the Cedarville and Drummond Island fireworks displays...the kids LOVED it...and the parents certainly weren't disappointed!

(this isn't the "real" fireworks show...just a "pre" show, if you will)
We spent a little time out at camp...but the water is still very cold (50 something degrees) so not much swimming occurred. The boys did a fair amount of fishing...Eric had better luck than Cam...but he was very generous in giving Cam praise for being a darn good netter! (Cam did manage to catch a few during the last outing!!)
The kids had a great time together...doing anything and everything they could think of! They were quite hopped up on candy the whole they had energy to just keep going and going and going...

I hope that our next visit to the UP will be very soon...but for now...we are happy to be back "down below".
Friday, July 4, 2008
we have left the land of the trolls...
You may...or may not know that my brother and his family live in the upper peninsula of Michigan. My brother works at an InterVarsity Camp, called Cedar Campus. I have shared pictures from up there several is is is relaxing...we really love it up there.
I have been looking forward to this trip for months...we don't get up there as often as we would like...and with the outrageous gas prices, getting up there is much more difficult.
I spent the week getting the house in order...and spent Thursday getting everything packed and ready to go. We hoped to leave on Thursday night...but if that was impossible we left early Friday morning...there is a BIG parade in Hessel, (there hometown) on Friday morning...and fireworks in the P.M. We hope to be there for both of those events!
I hope you are all having a great holiday weekend.
I'll share pics of our weekend when we return to the land of the trolls!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Some days...
The next...11 years should be fabulous (insert sarcasm).
This should be an interesting decade...
It may be a good thing that my brother is a beer delivery guy?
Stick around...I'm sure that you will find great entertainment at our expense!
Monday, June 30, 2008
The great clean out...
The other nice thing is that the 2 older girls are gone for a couple of is so much easier to "purge" things when they aren't here to claim they can't live without whatever it is that has been buried in the very bottom of the closet/drawer/under the bed for the last who knows how get the picture.
I hope to be mostly done with this daunting task by Thursday night...we are leaving for a much needed vacation to the U.P. and it is always nice to come home to a clean house...what's even better is the girls (all 3 of them) will be at camp next my house just might stay clean for a while...
...I better get back too it...hope you all enjoy your week...and have a great holiday!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
from the bottom of a big hole...too cloud nine...
I have been down a long road that has taught me that God is a great provider. I have also learned that He likes to hit me square between the eye's with blessings when I feel like the whole world is against me.
We have had a crappy couple of years for seemed like everything that could go wrong...did!!! I worried, I stressed, and cried a tear or two (thousand)...but in the end God gave us everything we day at a time.
Lately I have been feeling down in the dumps...just when I felt like we were "getting ahead" I was hit with an unexpected bill, or some other financially draining situation! I was feed up...I was angry...I was un-trusting...I was unhappy!
Hind site being 20/20...I realize that in the blessing's glass is overflowing...a wonderful husband who works hard every day...three healthy children...a wonderful family...a home...(that is not flooded)...the list is endless! the time, the way I saw it "if there was "poo" coming down the was going to land on our house 9 times out of 10!" Yes...I said it...out loud...more than once!
And is usually the case...God decided that I needed a little lesson in trusting...real trusting...I'm talking 24/7 trusting. He not only found me a job...He let me have the job that I've been wanting since I started school...and He even opened up the possibility of that job being located 2 miles from my home!
Do I feel a little (read a lot) sheepish? YES!!! Do I know better? YES!!
I am so very thankful that I have a God who is willing to work with me...that He allows me to be a work in progress...that He realizes that I am not perfect, but He is willing to love me anyway...and love me big time! Do I deserve it? NO!!
So...while I am still enjoying the view from cloud nine...I am also realizing that I need to give praise where praise is due...I certainly didn't do this by myself...and I am so glad that I didn't have too!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
sitting on cloud nine...
A little less than two years ago I made a huge decision that sent me back to school. When I started school, one of the first things I several people...was that when I was done with school I was going to work for Metro Health. I began applying for position with Metro fall of last year.
With my school career coming to a close I applied for 3 more positions there around the end of April. I was ecstatic when I was called 2 weeks ago to come in for an interview!! Today was THE day. My interview was at 11am...I was surprisingly not very nervous at all...the interview lasted one hour and thirty five minutes...I had to answer a ton of questions...and I asked a couple too.
I felt like it was going well...and then my interviewer does July 14th look for you? To which I said "You mean for me to start working? As in I have a job here!?" And she said "If you would like one"!! I could hardly contain myself...It was a huge YEAH GOD!! moment!!!
I still have to pass the criminal background check and a drug test...and they have to contact all my references...but I am more than confident that that will all go over without a hitch!!
And to top it all off...there is a possibility that I may be working at the Metro office right here in Hudsonville!! Which would be fabulous...but I am not holding my breath...I am just glad to be right where I wanted to be...right where God planned for me to be!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
perfect timing...
I think that is why we have the children we have. They are good for a make you cry laugh every now and again...and no one is better at that than the youngest of our children. As I type this she is upstairs entertaining her sisters...I can tell by the occasional bouts of laughter!
I thought I would share a couple of the newest "Haidynisms"...
the other night well the girls and I were messing around I took and accidental elbow to the head...I slumped to the couch and played dead...and Haidyn yelled "MOMS DEAD...CALL CPA!!" While we are sure she meant "do CPR"...or "call 911"...we had a 5 minute belly laugh about why exactly our CPA would even care if I were dead...or what it is Haidyn thought she stood to gain financially from my death that would warrant a call to the CPA prior to a call to 911???
Then this evening she came into the living room wearing her lovely new robe...which is a hand-me-down, and WAY to she entered the room I noticed that a little covering up was in I said "Oh dear...I see boobies!" to which she replied..."MOM...they're not real!" I thought Tate was going to wet herself...and I for one didn't realize that they were performing the enhancement surgeries at such a young age...I think she might want to look into a refund, because...not only are they not real...they really just aren't even there!!
What a hoot!! I needed this sort of entertainment this week...laughter really is the best medicine!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
the current definition of my life...

To be affected deeply in mind or emotion
Sunday, June 8, 2008
great scripture...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
too cute...
Can it really be?
The girls are very excited to start the summer...they are looking forward to summer camp and trips to the U.P. to visit my brother and his family, trips up to the Baldwin area to either my in-laws cottage or my parents cottage...and we are all looking forward to our annual Michigan's Adventure trip with the Roelofs.
Tate has successfully finished her first year of middle school...and she went out in style...I came home the other day from work to find a print out of her grade so far...and she is pulling all A's...and from the sounds of it exams went well so that shouldn't change.
Quinn just loves everything about school and particularly like to read and write. as a matter of fact she walked out of the house this morning with a short play she had written for her a couple friend to present to the class on this the last day of school! We always find the comments from the teacher interesting...because they are so un "Quinnie like" to us. She is defiantly a different person at school...and we praise the Lord for that because she can be...well she can be something...that's for sure.
Haidyn...she had come a long way this year...she is the complete opposite of the other girls...this learning business does not come easy to her...she has to try and try her hardest, and bless her little heart that is what she did. She seems to excel in Math (which she does not get from me)...but that is good. Reading is her least favorite...I have a feeling that she can do it way better than she lets on...she is just very stubborn that way!
All-in-all it has been a great year. They now wait with anticipation to find out who they have for a teacher next year. This information will arrive with their report cards next week.
So...HAPPY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL to I am off to bring lunch to the girls!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
bring on the pepto...
I have a potential (nothing is final yet) job opportunity...that will be a full time, 5 days a week job. I jump for joy...because, as stated before, this has always been the end goal. But...this opportunity is going to start at the beginning of July...which poses a potential child care issue. Yet another thing that was defiantly foreseeable...but somewhat over looked. Right now my schedule is extremely convenient...I leave after they are on the bus...I am home shortly after they are off the bus. Tate is very capable of taking care of her sisters...the dilemma is tomorrow is the last day of school...and while they do very well together in the short term...8 hour days...may be potentially problematic!!
I will know more about the logistics on Friday...but could really use some big time prayer. While I trust that God has had His hand in leading me back to school, and to this awesome career that I know is my calling and something that I LOVE...I admit to being a bit "throw-upie" and feeling a little stressed and nervous about everything falling into place, and a bit sad about losing out on my summer with the girls!
I know that once we get through the summer, and back to school that this will become our "normal" and all will fall into place, it's just the getting from here to there that seems a lot like a GRAND CANYON sized hurdle!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
New book of the month...

To say it is fabulous...that would be an understatement. I am not an avid reader by any is not the least bit difficult for me to count on one hand the books that I have read this year. usually takes me a r e a l l y long time to read a book.
I read this book in less than one week...I stayed up entirely to late at night because I kept telling myself "OK at the next break I'll go to bed"...but it was always at a good part when the next break came. I started it last Tuesday night (it was my first night without Cam home...I always have trouble going to bed)...and I finished it on Saturday morning...I woke up early and everyone else was still sawing I was free to cry my eyes out without pointing and laughing from my children.
I am not going to give anything away (other than it might make you cry...I say might because I cry during almost every episode of Little House on the doesn't take you may be able to hold it together better than I)...but if you are like me and like true stories...full of adventure and should really take some time to read this book. It would be a fabulous beach/by the pool book for the summer.
And...believe will not take long to will find it hard to put it down once you've started.
Happy reading!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Growing up as the youngest child with the last name Van K...
I happen to have one of the above mentioned children in my home. say she makes life interesting...well that would be an understatement.
Some of the things that come out of her mouth...well...they often make me laugh so hard I cry. And what's even funnier is that she has no idea that it is that funny.
She also comes up with the strangest things to do with her laying on the floor and making a farting sound with her hands cupped in her knee pits and her legs kicking frantically...I should really tape is amusing. And...her impression of the "Shakira...Shakira" dance...hilarious!!
She used to be very offended if we told stories about her funniness, or asked her to share with everyone around...she is growing out of that a little bit...which might not be a good thing. (the other youngest Van K. child...who is 20 something now...still does stuff like this...and sometimes the end result is a little embarrassing for the family). I'm sure that Haidyn is going to grow up to be the life of the party...but I hope she can do it with a little bit of modesty!
All that said I had to share a photo of our crazy youngest child...and for this lovely art of facial contortion I give full and complete credit to the Van K. gene pool...she gets NONE of this from me...she is a Van K. through and through...

There is something weird in her brain that makes her think of these kinds of is a unique something, and I swear it is found mostly in youngest children...and it is especially prevalent in the Van K. family, and please don't get me wrong...I love everyone of them...but they are a VERY unique breed!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Family weekend fun...
Any who...we stayed home for the weekend, due largely to gas prices...and a little because we wanted Cam all to ourselves! We pretty much just hang around the house...Cam got some yard work done, we went to the new ice cream shoppe in Jamestown (more than once!!), and Cam did a little fishing with a friend.
But...the highlight to our weekend was the annual Jamestown Memorial Day parade. Anyone who knows Jamestown knows that if you might miss it. And, you may think that a parade in such a small town would be something to laugh at. is quite the event...I am amazed every year by the number of spectators. This is the third year that I (and the family) have been in the parade. For the last two years we were a part of the Dar's All Star Salon "float" (which is really just all of us in her truck with little decoration...but an unhealthy amount of candy to throw to the massive crowd). This year Cam, Tate, and Quinn were again part of Dar's "float", while Haidyn decided that she would like to decorate and ride her bike in the parade(this decision was a source of much inner turmoil for her...because when you are in a don't get the benefit of the boat load of candy that watching the parade can get you). She was pleased when the bike riders were placed very near the beginning of the parade...because we ditched off close to the end of the parade, watched the rest of the parade, and came home with a little candy to boot! It was a good day.
channeling Elton John
We always love to hear the stories from the girls about how many people they saw that they many people they beaned with candy because they threw to hard...or how the candy totally missed the mark and ended up in the field. Lots of fun.
This year there was also a Nienhuis Greenhouse float. My cousin Linda, who just opened the new ice cream shoppe in Jamestown "the Little Dipper"...decided to have a combination Little Dipper/Grand View Orchard/Nienhuis Greenhouse turned out very nice, and hopefully it drums up some business across the board.

Another highlight was that my parents actually got to see the parade this year. With this being prime shipping time for the greenhouses...they haven't been able to come in years past...but managed to come down and see all of us this year.
We topped off the weekend with dinner at the Roelofs. We had great food, and fellowship...and Cam and I even secured a come from behind victory in a friendly game of washers!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
a Haidyn
Hlpr(helper): I am here Qwin wt do you ned
Q: bri me my dok(donkey) this ist(instant)
H: Here she is my late(lady)
Q:Wal tak you (well thank you)
Doke(donkey): I am sik
Q: No just hav to b(bring) me to the stor!
Narrator: On the way the dkey did(died)!
H: I wll find a nw one for you
Q: Tak you
Doke #2: Hey Hot (such a classic donkey sound??)
Q: Kan you tak me to the stor?
D2: Hey Hot
Q: I tak tat as a yas!
H: Luk it? (like it)
Q: I love it tak you varey much.
D2: Dot thk me, thk the hlpr!
Q: You did tis for me?
H: wa wt I! (why wouldn't I)
Q: I dot no wat to say.
Q: Wal I ho to go to the stor
H: Biy
D2: I nd mor fod (suddenly able to talk? )
Q: hr you go
D2: tay you vry much!
THE END!! the end we're not even sure if the Queen made it to the store...I was impressed with how polite the characters were (the Queen started out a little rough...but did come around after the passing of the first donkey!)
Oh to have the imagination of a 7 year old. I wish I could have taped it when she read it to me...super cute!!
Maybe this is a sign of things to come??
Look for future installments of "plays by Haidyn"!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Go here...
I feel like a real jerk for thinking that I have struggles. (see previous post)
I am blessed beyond measure...and I need to remember that more than I do!
single mother and gas prices and memorial day...OH MY!!
Now...on to gas prices...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I am so glad that I got gas this evening (oh, he! he! just read what I wrote...I'm easily amused OK?) But...seriously. I should have filled the tank all the way up...because when I got home a friend called to inform me that by the weekend the price will be over $ $4.11 or something!! Isn't it convenient that there is a holiday right around the corner??? Who can afford to leave the house any more?? I could really jump up on my soap box right now...but because this is a G rated blog and this type of subject can really get me all vein poppy and stuff...I'll leave you to ponder the gas price crisis alone!
And...let's not forget Memorial Day! Can it truly even be here already?? Does it not seem like the kids just went back to school, and here we are 16 days...and counting until summer vacation begins!!! UNREAL!! When Cam returns from out of town...the girls will be done with school!! It truly is sick how time flies!
While we are hoping to head up north for the weekend...if the gas prices go up as predicted...we may need to rethink that plan. At 200+ miles round trip and the estimated $4.11/gallon gas would be an extra $55 over the just sitting home route?!?! I guess we'll wait and see!
So...have a great week...enjoy the holiday, wherever you end up spending it...and if the gas priced depress you...just think about the alternatives...a peddley bike or a horse, or your own two feet, or you could just stay at home! (see it could be worse, just a little bit)!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
WWWAT : Chocolate...
When I found out the assignment this time was chocolate...this was the first thing that came to mind...

This is my niece, Hanna. She is from Ethiopia, and before we knew who she was, or when she was coming home, my youngest daughter would ask "When will my chocolate cousin be here?"
She is very sweet(and a little sassy)...I could gobble her right up...she makes me smile...just like edible chocolate!! (only a lot cuter!!)
So...that is my twist on chocolate...enjoy!!
Visit american mum blog to see the other entries.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Because we all could use a good laugh...
He would have continued, but at that moment one very obedient little girl (who was listening carefully) leaned over to her mother and asked quite audibly in her shrill little girl voice,
"Mommy, WHAT is butt dust?"
Church was pretty much over at that point...
ya need it...but don't you wish you didn't...

I cringe every time a drive past a gas station...I just try not to look. I found it a little bit funny when I experienced great excitement at the sight of gas that was a mere $3.79 a gallon!!! That was a whole 5 cents/gallon cheaper than I had purchased gas for the day before!!! URG!!!
I also feel like an old lady because I can say..."I remember when gas was only 99 cents a gallon"...99 cents!!!! That would be heaven!! (also unrealistic...but heaven none the less!)
So...we are going to be staying home an awful lot for the foreseeable future...I was even thinking last night that we may need to go "camping" in our own backyard this summer. Maybe invite some could be great!
I will say that life as a mountain man/women is starting to sound more and more off the that's a novel concept...I think our ancestors were on to something...oh how I wish I could stop lining the pockets of the oil companies!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I've been tagged...
What was I doing ten years ago...
- well, I had a three month old at home, and she was our second child so I guess I was adjusting to life with 2 children instead of one, I was probably changing a lot of diapers and nursing 6 times a day, and doing my best to entertain my 2 year old daughter.
Five things on my to-do list today...
- mail out tuition for oldest daughters trip to Washington DC
- get groceries
- do laundry
- make dinner
- attend on-line class
Things I would do if I were a billionaire...
- Pay off loads of debt
- support Children's Hope Chest
- open an orphanage in Africa or Haiti (or support one that already exists with not only money but my time)
- possibly adopt a child or two
- buy a home in Montana near Glacier National Park, and volunteer at the park.
(I could go on...but you get the idea)
Three of my bad habits...
- procrastination...I tend to do things last minute...and it drives me nuts!
- washing cloths but never folding them
- worrying about money(well about everything...but money in particular)
Five places I've lived...
- Um...this a pretty boring one for me...I have lived in the same 10 square miles for my whole entire life!!! I would, however, love to call Montana home at sometime in my life.
Five jobs I've had...
- Hostess at a restaurant
- nail technician/manicurist
- cleaning lady(commercial and residential)
- greenhouse laborer and bookkeeper
- cosmetologist
(I am currently finishing up my schooling to become a Medical I hope to have a career in the medical field soon...I'm so excited!!)
Five people I want to know more about...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Day one...
I'll go back again on Wednesday, when I'll get treated to my very first drug rep lunch!!
All-in-all it was a great day...I'm glad to have day one "under my belt" so now I can settle in and learn all about life in a pediatrics office.
Oh...and thus begins the great job search as well.
Wish me luck!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Here I go...
I feel a little sick to my stomach.
All nerves I'm sure.
Didn't sleep well.
Please pray for me this day.
Thank you!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
one word...
Yum!! (OK so that was two words :)
Friday, May 2, 2008
things that make you go...hmmmmm...

This is honestly a sight I see almost daily. With 4 girls in the house we go through a ghastly amount of toilet paper. (If you have all boys...count your blessings, at least when it comes to toilet paper costs.)
What really gets my knickers in a twist is this...
the toilet paper is located in the hall closet directly across from the bathroom...
so...the roll has already come at least 8 feet, and for some reason, it has trouble making it the last 2 feet onto the TP holder!!!
I have left the TP on the counter to see if anyone would take the time to move it to the holder...I mean, really, sometimes you find yourself sitting there for awhile...what else is there to do with that time???
But...alas, the end result was not the TP beging placed where it belongs...oh no. it. was. not.
What, then was the result you may wonder? Well, not only was there an empty roll on the holder...but also an empty roll on the counter, next too the new roll that made it the usual...8 feet!!
While I'd like to say that this is the only "area" that we have this kind of issue...that would be a lie. It also occurs with dishes being placed at the end of the counter, instead of the 2 more feet it would take to get them into the sink...clean cloths make it onto the bed, but not into drawers and closets....the list is endless. I am thankful for God reminding me just where my family would be without me. They would certainly be unable to get to the toilet because of all the empty toilet paper rolls, they would have no clean dishes because they'd all be piled at the end of the counter, and they might suffocate in their sleep under the piles of misplaced laundry.
It sure is good to know you're needed!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
You say: "I'm too tired" God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)
You say: "Nobody really loves me" God says: I love you (John 3:1 6 & John 3:34 )
You say: "I can't go on" God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)
You say: "I can't figure things out" God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5- 6)
You say: "I can't do it" God says: You can do all things (Philippians 4:13)
You say: "I'm not able" God says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8)
You say: "It's not worth it" God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28 )
You say: "I can't forgive myself" God says: I Forgive you (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
You say: "I can't manage" God says: I will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19)
You say: "I'm afraid" God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7)
You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated" God says: Cast all your cares on ME (I Peter 5:7)
You say: "I'm not smart enough" God says: I give you wisdom (I Corinthians 1:30)
You say: "I feel all alone" God says: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wordless Wednesday...with a twist!
I came across this over at another blog I visit, and thought I would participate!
This Wednesday's theme is "Self-Portrait"...
So...I gave it a whirl, and here is what I came up with...

To view the other "entries" visit American Mums blog.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
College Graduate...(almost)

Davenport University
I was part of the DU commencement this afternoon...It was great, and I am glad I decided to participate! I would like to thank my family, who were kind enough to endure the butt numbingly long...and slightly boring service...of which I was number 1160 (approx.) of the just over 1300 graduates!!
While I feel a little funny because I really won't be done, officially, until the first week of July...I am really proud of me because 20 months ago I wasn't sure I would make it to this day...and I certainly didn't believe that I would be leaving with a straight A record!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
a view from my very own back door...
Since then I have found myself noticing the sky, and in paticular the sunsets way more often, and it makes me smile and think of Josh too.
It's amazing the miricle that happens every now and again out my very own back door...God is the most amazing artist ever.
This post was promted by all the sunset pictures I found on my camara...and I thought I would share them with you...ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Red Letters... the time flies...
So...I kept this tid-bit of information to myself. Well...I had been having contractions like this (rather painful) for a couple of months already...the doctor said it was because it was my third and things happen sooner and yahda...yahda...yahda. After hearing this...I was certainly not going to the hospital unless I was 100% sure that "it" was really "it"!! (I was secretly hoping that my water would break and then they wouldn't be able to send me home)
Well, the day wore on and it was about bedtime (for the girls) and I said to Cam..."I think this might really be it!" So we called the doctor...called grandma and grandpa...dropped the girls off...and arrived at the hospital around my excitement I was dilated to 5 my day worth of discomfort has not been for naught. 1:10am on Saturday morning, April 21...little Haidyn Johanna became the 5th and final member of our family!
What an addition she had been...
~she is about the most stubborn person I know
~she keeps us laughing all the time
~she is girl through and through
~she says "guess what" at least 117 times each day
~she's a lover and a snuggler (except when she's not!)
Some things that happened or were learned this year...
~she went to day camp for the first time
~she rode the "big" rides at Michigan's adventure for the first time
~she lost her first tooth
~she learned how to read
~she learned how to ride her bike without training wheels
She has a huge list of things she is going to learn this year...the biggest one is how to swim without swimmies!!
Well...HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lou-Lou...

I can't believe my "baby" is 7 years old already...were would we be without you!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Please pray for safe travels, but mostly that this is not a serious problem!
Thank you!
Friday, April 18, 2008
What a crazy week (or two) it has been...
Spring Break really kicked my butt. I would like to say that I spent some quality time with the girls doing so many fun fun things...but other than one trip to the mall, it was all work and no play for the residence of VK-ville!
Cam was out of town for the whole week...and it looks like most of the spring/summer will bring a lot of the same...I would like to give a GREAT BIG "WAY TO GO!!! to all the single moms out are now my hero's...I don't know how you do it 24/ are stronger than I!!
I have reached the final week of the winter session at school. Final exams are next week Tuesday and Wednesday. AMEN and HALLELUJAH!!! Then it is on to my internship which is at an amazing little pediatrics office...I am so excited to start! I have begun to apply for jobs, so if you want to add that to your prayer list, just pray that God will lead me to the position He wants me to be in.
My father made a trip to the ER this week. He was experiencing tightness in his chest, and with a history of heart troubles in his family...we were glad that he saw the importance in going for the sake of a little peace of mind. All tests came back normal, so they are unsure of the cause. He had a stress test hopefully all is well and it was just a fluke thing?? I will admit that I had hoped my parents would just no get old and have problems like this...but I guess that is an unrealistic expectation!
I found out that I am going to have another nephew sometime in August (hopefully the 19th). While I was hoping for a niece...mostly because they have 2 boys and the whole "what would she look like" thing...but God has a plan, and a healthy baby of either gender is all we can ask for so it will be my pleasure to snuggle little Mr. lots and lots. (because as I have stated before...snuggling babies is my favorite!!)
You should really come and see the greenhouses
A) they are always nice and toasty warm...which does wonders for the mind, body , spirit, and tan!
B) the flowers are blooming like is just beautiful, and smells nice too! (I will add some pictures for your viewing pleasure soon!)
C) soon we will start to ship everything...and then it will be gone and you won't get to see it!
I am currently enjoying a day off!! I hardly know what to do with myself. I do know that some spring cleaning is in order, and maybe a trip to Goodwill to offload some of our extra(read way to small) cloths!! I can't wait for the temperature to rise just a smidgen more so I can open up the windows and let the wonderful spring air in! mother just called (did I ever tell you that she is amazing and I love her lots and lots). Her and my father have invited me out for breakfast! So have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather. Tah Tah for now!