This is honestly a sight I see almost daily. With 4 girls in the house we go through a ghastly amount of toilet paper. (If you have all boys...count your blessings, at least when it comes to toilet paper costs.)
What really gets my knickers in a twist is this...
the toilet paper is located in the hall closet directly across from the bathroom...
so...the roll has already come at least 8 feet, and for some reason, it has trouble making it the last 2 feet onto the TP holder!!!
I have left the TP on the counter to see if anyone would take the time to move it to the holder...I mean, really, sometimes you find yourself sitting there for awhile...what else is there to do with that time???
But...alas, the end result was not the TP beging placed where it belongs...oh no. it. was. not.
What, then was the result you may wonder? Well, not only was there an empty roll on the holder...but also an empty roll on the counter, next too the new roll that made it the usual...8 feet!!
While I'd like to say that this is the only "area" that we have this kind of issue...that would be a lie. It also occurs with dishes being placed at the end of the counter, instead of the 2 more feet it would take to get them into the sink...clean cloths make it onto the bed, but not into drawers and closets....the list is endless.
So...today I am thankful for God reminding me just where my family would be without me. They would certainly be unable to get to the toilet because of all the empty toilet paper rolls, they would have no clean dishes because they'd all be piled at the end of the counter, and they might suffocate in their sleep under the piles of misplaced laundry.
It sure is good to know you're needed!
If it makes you feel any better, our toilet paper rolls stay on the counter as well. I actually encourage it!
Because Hanna will sit in the bathroom and consume as much toilet paper as she possibly can in however much time she might go undetected. Disgusting and confusing...I know. Hence, t.p. rolls stay up high on the counter out of the reach of the little eater of all things non-food-related.
This made me laugh. I was guilty of this kind of thing as a child! Mommies have the most thankless jobs, but so neccessary!
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