Any who...we stayed home for the weekend, due largely to gas prices...and a little because we wanted Cam all to ourselves! We pretty much just hang around the house...Cam got some yard work done, we went to the new ice cream shoppe in Jamestown (more than once!!), and Cam did a little fishing with a friend.
But...the highlight to our weekend was the annual Jamestown Memorial Day parade. Anyone who knows Jamestown knows that if you might miss it. And, you may think that a parade in such a small town would be something to laugh at. is quite the event...I am amazed every year by the number of spectators. This is the third year that I (and the family) have been in the parade. For the last two years we were a part of the Dar's All Star Salon "float" (which is really just all of us in her truck with little decoration...but an unhealthy amount of candy to throw to the massive crowd). This year Cam, Tate, and Quinn were again part of Dar's "float", while Haidyn decided that she would like to decorate and ride her bike in the parade(this decision was a source of much inner turmoil for her...because when you are in a don't get the benefit of the boat load of candy that watching the parade can get you). She was pleased when the bike riders were placed very near the beginning of the parade...because we ditched off close to the end of the parade, watched the rest of the parade, and came home with a little candy to boot! It was a good day.
channeling Elton John
We always love to hear the stories from the girls about how many people they saw that they many people they beaned with candy because they threw to hard...or how the candy totally missed the mark and ended up in the field. Lots of fun.
This year there was also a Nienhuis Greenhouse float. My cousin Linda, who just opened the new ice cream shoppe in Jamestown "the Little Dipper"...decided to have a combination Little Dipper/Grand View Orchard/Nienhuis Greenhouse turned out very nice, and hopefully it drums up some business across the board.

Another highlight was that my parents actually got to see the parade this year. With this being prime shipping time for the greenhouses...they haven't been able to come in years past...but managed to come down and see all of us this year.
We topped off the weekend with dinner at the Roelofs. We had great food, and fellowship...and Cam and I even secured a come from behind victory in a friendly game of washers!!
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