Friday, March 28, 2008
Check it out...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Thoughts for Thursday...

Things I get...

If you ever wondered if God has a sense of humor...believe me...He does!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Dear Hanna Rae,
But…this day was one for the memory books for sure. In between all the hullabaloo there was a great sense of anticipation, and excitement. I was busy getting ready for a trip across state. I was making sure I had all the needed accessories…most importantly my camera. At 10am. my ride arrived, and I was on my way. “On the way to what?” you may wonder. Well…you see, I was on my way to witness the arrival of a precious miracle from God. A miracle that was born in a little village a half a world away. A miracle that we had been praying for, for over a year. A miracle that we had loved since the moment we first saw a picture of her, and if the truth be told, we loved her long before that. A miracle that God had created. A miracle that fit right into the space God had created for her. A space right in our family, that no one else could fill.
I had the honor of being there to witness the arrival of you, from Ethiopia.
I remember the first sign of your arrival was the sound of you crying, and then…there you were. I remember you being so much tinier that I had ever thought you would be. I remember falling in love with your sweet profile…it is dang precious, and I do still love it today. I remember the first time I got to snuggle you…snuggles are my favorite, and while I’m sure your mother had longed for a snuggle way more than I…I’m sure I came in at a very close second on that one! I remember those early days, when it was a lucky thing indeed if you smiled at me, but I do remember a few quick grins. And I remember how you really looked everything over, just taking it all in. I can only imagine what was going through your head, trying to get used to life with this big family of yours. And then, slowly…but surely…you opened up and smiled a lot...and started to really like us and recognize us (with excitement)…some days I wondered if it would ever happen…but now, it is hard to remember you being “shy” at all. Your smile melts my heart…and I find it hard not to smile when I am around you. I am reminded every time I see you that our God is amazing…He knew since before you took your first breath that on March 24th, 2007, your journey was going to take you half way around the world, and place you in our family. Our God is GREAT!!
It is hard to believe it has been one year. It seems like you have been here forever…it is really hard to imagine our family without you.
So…happy fam-iversary…or GOTCHA day…or whatever you want to call it. You’ve come a long way sweet girl…and I’m so glad that I get a front row seat for the rest of your journey!
Love and (of course) snuggles,
Auntie Shann
Friday, March 21, 2008
Our newest family protrait...
Front row (l - r): Tate, Haidyn, Quinn
Dear Winter...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Kids say the darndest things...
We were having a discussion about them (Quinn and Haidyn) going to jump at the neighbors trampoline. I said they had a half an hour before I had to pick up their they better get to it so they have lots of time there. They wondered why they couldn't just stay there while I went to get Tate, because the neighbors are home? I said, it is not their responsibility to watch you while you are on the tramp, and Haidyns response is..."It takes a village to raise a child mom!"
Point taken smarty pants!! (But, non-the-less, they still only have a half and hour!)
Do you see what I'm saying??? Where does she come up with this stuff???
Another...Just because...

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Climbing mountains and playing tag...
When I could finally breath again I realized that I had been "tagged" by here is my "4 things" list...ENJOY!!
1. Four jobs that I have had in my life:
-hostess at Jerry's Country Inn (where I met Cam)
-nail technician
-house cleaner (for other's more fun when you get paid to do it)
-greenhouse laborer and bookkeeper
2. Four Movies I would/have watch(ed) over and over:
-Lord of the Rings trilogy
-Harry Potter series
-Secondhand Lions
-Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy
3. Four places I have lived:
-Forest Grove, MI
-Jamestown, MI
-Hudsonville, MI
-West Glacier, MT (for one week anyway...that counts...Right??)
4. Four TV shows that I watch:
-Biggest Loser
5. Four places I have visited:
-Redlands, CA
-Glacier National Park, MT
-Seattle, WA
6. Four people who email me regularly:
-my mom
-my school/classmates
7. Four of my favorite foods:
-Cheeseburgers cooked on the grill
-Celery with peanut butter
-Cheese Broccoli Soup
8. Four places I would like to be right now:
-Glacier National Park, MT
-anywhere without my kids
-somewhere where the temperature is high 70's, sunny, and beautiful
-visiting the Stephan's
9. Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
-Finishing school, and finding a job
-snuggling with my newest niece or nephew(I'm voting niece...on August 19th!)
-vacations to the UP to visit Eric, Ann and the kids
-Michigan's Adventure with the Roelofs
10.Four people who should post 4 things:
(if you do not have a blog of your own just put your list in the comments section of this post)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What's going on here???
I got to thinking...where did all these cloths come from?? There is no way they all belong to us. I can't count the number of time I hear "I have NOTHING to wear...NOTHING!!!!!" Well... there certainly is A LOT of nothing downstairs in the laundry room!
I have come up with 2 possible scenarios...
#1.....while we are gone during the day another family moves in and wears our cloths. (this would explain the all the missing socks...and the occasional article of clothing that you look everywhere for only to find it in plain view the next day...very suspicious!)
#2.....while we are gone during the day our cloths are getting "busy" in the closets and drawers and reproducing at light speed.
I am voting for #1 myself.
I just wish while they were here they would do a little cleaning...maybe I'll have to leave them a note?
Monday, March 10, 2008
For Tricia...
I have been following THIS blog for a couple months now. You may have noticed it in my "Blogs I visit" section, and maybe you've noticed Tricia and Gwyneth in my "Prayer requests" section. I check it entirely to often and I am absolutely captivated by this families faith and grace and love for each other and mostly for the Lord. They are amazing!!
We (the mommies of the world) have been "challenged" by THIS blogger to make a list of all our favorite "mommy moments". It is so easy to fall into a rut, of sorts, and get so annoyed by the little things our kids do...or the little things we do a zillion times a day for our kids. It can become so easy to forget what a precious gift they are (I know...I have a 12 year old...precious doesn't usually enter my thoughts).
Trisha hasn't been able to experience these moments because she has cystic fibrosis and is a patient at the hospital awaiting a double lung transplant and Gwyneth was born at 24 weeks and is in the NICU...but the girl is amazing...I think she gets it from her parents.
So...all these things we take for granted...are things that Tricia is longing to experience...
Things like...
*rocking her to sleep all snuggled up on your chest (this is my personal favorite)
*that "can't-duplicate-it" new baby smell
*always feeling like you are missing something when you get the chance to go out alone
*the feeling of her little hand in yours, and knowing that you would know that hand anywhere
*watching her sleep in her "big-girl bed" for the first time and thinking "Where'd my baby go?"
*being able to sleep through an alarm clock but waking up at the tiniest noise she makes (even from across the house)
*the first "blow-out" (you'll know it when you see it!)
*sitting in church...usually during the prayer...and she'll decide it's a great time to poop...really loud
*when she hugs you and pats you on the back, for no other reason then it's what you do to her
*when she takes a shower for the first time and sits on the drain and floods the bathroom
*when she gets into your makeup and is so proud of how "beautiful" she made herself...just like mommy does it
*seeing her walk around in your fancy shoes wearing pretty necklaces and bracelets
*seeing her walk around in her daddy's boots wearing his ball cap backwards
*the first time she says "I wuv you" or "you're so beautifuw" or "you're the bestest mom evew", all you moms reading this take a few minutes to share you're favorite "mommy moments" with Tricia, either in your own post, or in the comments section of this post.
And if you haven't checked out their so, you'll be glad you did.
And...remember to thank God for all the wonderful, and not so wonderful moments that our kids bless us with every day...and remember to pray for this amazing family.
Friday, March 7, 2008
here comes the sun...
I have made the rounds around the house and opened all the blinds to let the sun shine in!!! And for some crazy reason I have this urge to clean things? And, that truly is a miracle...because cleaning is one of my least favorite things to ranks right up there with doing laundry and getting groceries.(YUCK!!)
I hope this isn't just a "hey look, it's spring!" Fooled ya (HA HA) kind of thing that is so reminiscent of Michigan winters...I don't think I could handle it.
Oh winter...we have had enough of you this year. You were snowed...and snowed...and kept the kids home from made for some intense were dark and gloomy and down right miserable...and we say...ENOUGH ALREADY...please don't come back, just exit quietly without a fuss...I promise we'll be happy to see you again around Christmas time...we'll welcome you with open arms. But...for now you need to accept that you have over stayed your is the polite thing to do!
Monday, March 3, 2008
12 years, 2 days, 3 hours and 22 minutes ago...
Tatelynn Elyse entered the world at 3:32PM, (on the very day she was due)
8lbs. 3oz. and 19 inches long.
She was bald as a cue ball...but to us she was the most beautiful baby in the world.
(well...Cam thought she was funny looking...but he thinks all newborns are funny looking.)
And now...she is twelve years old...and if the truth be told...she is as tall as me...if not a teeny, tiny bit taller (I am secretly excited that she got her fathers height...being short isn't good for much!)
She's a very unique individual...who has her moments. She loves to not get along with her sisters, and her parents for that matter...but she loves us just the same. She is very much a girly-girl...(without the pink loving part). Give her a pair of comfy sweats and a hoodie and some tortilla chips and pop and she'll be your friend for life (or at least until she gets mad at you).
I can't believe she's twelve already... where does the time go?
Did you know?
I think I'll stop feeling like my financial situation sucks now!!