Friday, March 27, 2009

the economy in the eyes of a 7 year old...

Our family...I'm sure like most families in the trying very hard to watch our nickles and dimes.

We are firm believers that our children should not be shielded from the fact that times are tough. We are very upfront with them when they want to do or get something...most of the time they end up paying for the majority of whatever the thing or activity is. We are firm believers that even at 7, 11 and are more than capable of working to earn money for the things you want to do. We were not handed everything on a silver platter...and our children are never going to be "those" children. (don't act like you don't know a few).

So...the other night Haidyn was hungry...and I was going through all of the options of what I could make for dinner. She of course said no to everyone...and said "can't we just go out for dinner?" I told her that we really don't have money for going out, especially when I have plenty of food in the house. I told her that she would need to pick one of the choices I had given her.

So, Cam and I are sitting on the couch waiting to hear her response...and she says "are we in a scarcity of money?"

why yes...that is a very good way to put it.

another in a long line of "where does she come up with this stuff"

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