I didn't become a mom because it is easy
*cause sometimes it's not*
I didn't become a mom because it is fun
*cause sometimes it's not*
I didn't become a mom because I love to cook and clean
*cause sometimes I don't*
I didn't become a mom because I thought I'd be really good at it
*cause sometimes I'm not*
I didn't become a mom because it pays well
*cause I've never seen any monetary gain*
I love being a mom because it was part of God's plan for my life...
I love that being a mom means I got to hold my precious baby girls in my arms
and dream about what they would become...
I love that being a mom means dandelion bouquets, and lightning bugs in jars...
I love that being a mom means snuggles and hugs and wet kisses just because...
I love being a mom when there is lots of laughter and dancing and silliness...
and I even love being a mom when it means that I am the shoulder to cry on...
But what I love most about being a mom is watching my beautiful girls grow up
and step out into the world and let there lights shine!
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