Well…it has been awhile since I updated the going’s on around our house. I have been blessed to have this week off of work...so we have done a lot.
For the first time in a long time we did not head up north for the holiday, Cam was working in Detroit for the week, and had to work on Saturday…so we stuck around home for the weekend, and after Cam was installed into his new role as a deacon at church on Sunday… we spent some time with the Roelofs family Sunday night and hung out with my parents and the newly engaged Joe and Amy on Monday =].
Yes...you read that right...I am gaining another sister...and I couldn't be more excited. The date has been set for February 5...so you know what that means??? must.lose.some.serious.pounds =]
Cam had Monday off, and due to the outrageous temperatures, we spent the first part of our day getting the window air conditioners in…thank heaven we did, because it has been a very hot week. We weeded the garden, which has started to produce some yummy veggies…we have picked some banana peppers, jalapeno peppers, and beans so far…and there are some little baby squash, and watermelons on the vines…I can’t wait. There are also a ton of flowers that are ready to be picked…I LOVE GARDENING =] !!
I have enjoyed spending my days off wearing tank tops and flip flops, instead of my scrubs, working on my tan...and sleeping until 7 *which is still early…but not as early as usual, unfortunately my internal clock just doesn’t sleep in?*
The girls worked in the greenhouses on Tuesday, and I worked on the bookwork…I’m all caught up again…we’ll see how long that lasts?
Wednesday we were slated to head down to Shipshewana…but, due to the forecasted 90 degree temperatures…we thought better of that, and decided to go to the beach instead…and my mom decided to come with us…and Amy offered us the use of her family’s cottage on Lake Michigan…and despite the 80 steps to the beach…we took her up on that offer…and it was beautiful…and quite…and beautiful…and lovely…and relaxing *other than the 80 steps part* and…did I mention beautiful? I don’t know if I recall Lake Michigan ever being so warm…we spent a fare amount of time in the water *Haidyn couldn't get enough*…we ate lunch on the beach…we went for a walk along the water…IT WAS FABULOUS!!! *thanks Amy for hooking us up =] *
Thursday was a rainy day...so we headed to the mall for a little shopping...and we saw the Twilight Eclipse movie *which was very good*...we hit the library and then spent the evening in downtown Holland. Every Thursday night in the summer in downtown Holland the have street performers up and down 8th Street...and it is all free *well...the performers/artist ask for tips...but they don't "charge" anything* So...Haidyn, Quinn and I headed down there and we got Henna tattoos, balloon hats, thumbprint buttons, and caricatures...we saw some magic, heard some great music, saw some break dancing, and our favorite *or at least mine* was the kid with the yo-yo's...AMAZING!! So if you are looking for fun on a Thursday night...head to Holland!
Today...*Friday*...it is time to get back to the mom duties...the house has suffered a bit while I have been out having BIG fun. We are going to head to the greenhouses later...which is fun...and Cam comes home today which is the highlight of my day...and we will head to our friends this evening for the Friday night gathering...it's been a great week.
I think the very best part of my whole vacation came on Saturday, when by some miracle from above through a conversation with my mother...there was mention of a possible J.O.B. for Cam...I was moved to tears, and could not wait to talk to him about it...and nothing is final yet...but it looks like come January Cam will have a new job...a job he will L.O.V.E...a job that will have him home and in his own bed every night...a job that will allow him to make it to sports events, field trips, choir/orchestra concert, graduations and he'll be available for the girls if there are any emergencies. We are praying that this will all pan out...we can live 6 more months like we have been living for years now...Cam is just excited to have a light at the end of the tunnel...it is amazing to see the change in his mood/attitude since this all came about. I will fill you all in on the details when we know for sure that this is all going to happen...and we would appreciate your prayers in the meantime.
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