Thursday, September 30, 2010
Why is it that there has to be so many choices for something that you slather in your armpit? Would it not be so much easier if there were 2's and woman's? I had to have a 2 minute argument with my 14 year old because she wanted the $3.29 cherry almond scent single bottle, while I leaned toward the $4 double pack of the shower fresh scent. IT IS FOR YOUR ARMPIT. Does anyone really stick there face right in there? Do you invite people in the take a sniff??? "hey, you should really smell this wonderful cherry almond deodorant I just is amazing *raise arm above head*...take a sniff". Um...I don't think anyone would take you up on that.
So...this of course got me to thinking that there are just WAY to many choices in the world. Shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper...the list is endless. Just think about Target there is a whole isle...both sides dedicated to hair products! A whole isle for deodorant, toothpaste, laundry soap!
My children have become to accustom to choices that they feel as though there life is not complete unless their armpits smell edible!!
Sometimes I wish I could transport us all back to before all the choices arrived, back to when you got what you got, and you were thankful for it. When the store was small, the choices were limited, and life was just so much simpler.
But...for now...I will wake up in the morning, shower and put on my $2 shower fresh deodorant and I will face the day. children will have to go off to school without edible smelling pits...but I am OK with that!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
my beautiful girls...

I didn't become a mom because it is easy
*cause sometimes it's not*
I didn't become a mom because it is fun
*cause sometimes it's not*
I didn't become a mom because I love to cook and clean
*cause sometimes I don't*
I didn't become a mom because I thought I'd be really good at it
*cause sometimes I'm not*
I didn't become a mom because it pays well
*cause I've never seen any monetary gain*
I love being a mom because it was part of God's plan for my life...
I love that being a mom means I got to hold my precious baby girls in my arms
and dream about what they would become...
I love that being a mom means dandelion bouquets, and lightning bugs in jars...
I love that being a mom means snuggles and hugs and wet kisses just because...
I love being a mom when there is lots of laughter and dancing and silliness...
and I even love being a mom when it means that I am the shoulder to cry on...
But what I love most about being a mom is watching my beautiful girls grow up
and step out into the world and let there lights shine!
Friday, July 9, 2010
tank tops...flip flops...gardening...and all sort of other fun =]
For the first time in a long time we did not head up north for the holiday, Cam was working in Detroit for the week, and had to work on Saturday…so we stuck around home for the weekend, and after Cam was installed into his new role as a deacon at church on Sunday… we spent some time with the Roelofs family Sunday night and hung out with my parents and the newly engaged Joe and Amy on Monday =]. read that right...I am gaining another sister...and I couldn't be more excited. The date has been set for February you know what that means??? must.lose.some.serious.pounds =]
Cam had Monday off, and due to the outrageous temperatures, we spent the first part of our day getting the window air conditioners in…thank heaven we did, because it has been a very hot week. We weeded the garden, which has started to produce some yummy veggies…we have picked some banana peppers, jalapeno peppers, and beans so far…and there are some little baby squash, and watermelons on the vines…I can’t wait. There are also a ton of flowers that are ready to be picked…I LOVE GARDENING =] !!
I have enjoyed spending my days off wearing tank tops and flip flops, instead of my scrubs, working on my tan...and sleeping until 7 *which is still early…but not as early as usual, unfortunately my internal clock just doesn’t sleep in?*
The girls worked in the greenhouses on Tuesday, and I worked on the bookwork…I’m all caught up again…we’ll see how long that lasts?
Wednesday we were slated to head down to Shipshewana…but, due to the forecasted 90 degree temperatures…we thought better of that, and decided to go to the beach instead…and my mom decided to come with us…and Amy offered us the use of her family’s cottage on Lake Michigan…and despite the 80 steps to the beach…we took her up on that offer…and it was beautiful…and quite…and beautiful…and lovely…and relaxing *other than the 80 steps part* and…did I mention beautiful? I don’t know if I recall Lake Michigan ever being so warm…we spent a fare amount of time in the water *Haidyn couldn't get enough*…we ate lunch on the beach…we went for a walk along the water…IT WAS FABULOUS!!! *thanks Amy for hooking us up =] *
Thursday was a rainy we headed to the mall for a little shopping...and we saw the Twilight Eclipse movie *which was very good*...we hit the library and then spent the evening in downtown Holland. Every Thursday night in the summer in downtown Holland the have street performers up and down 8th Street...and it is all free *well...the performers/artist ask for tips...but they don't "charge" anything* So...Haidyn, Quinn and I headed down there and we got Henna tattoos, balloon hats, thumbprint buttons, and caricatures...we saw some magic, heard some great music, saw some break dancing, and our favorite *or at least mine* was the kid with the yo-yo's...AMAZING!! So if you are looking for fun on a Thursday night...head to Holland!
Today...*Friday* is time to get back to the mom duties...the house has suffered a bit while I have been out having BIG fun. We are going to head to the greenhouses later...which is fun...and Cam comes home today which is the highlight of my day...and we will head to our friends this evening for the Friday night's been a great week.
I think the very best part of my whole vacation came on Saturday, when by some miracle from above through a conversation with my mother...there was mention of a possible J.O.B. for Cam...I was moved to tears, and could not wait to talk to him about it...and nothing is final yet...but it looks like come January Cam will have a new job...a job he will L.O.V.E...a job that will have him home and in his own bed every night...a job that will allow him to make it to sports events, field trips, choir/orchestra concert, graduations and he'll be available for the girls if there are any emergencies. We are praying that this will all pan out...we can live 6 more months like we have been living for years now...Cam is just excited to have a light at the end of the is amazing to see the change in his mood/attitude since this all came about. I will fill you all in on the details when we know for sure that this is all going to happen...and we would appreciate your prayers in the meantime.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
How does your garden grow?
So...this year we decided to give the whole garden thing another try.
Cam hit the garden *aka weed infested waste land* with round up.
Then he rototilled it
and before we knew it we became the proud care takers of
mini sunflowers
snap dragons
and a bunch of wild flowers too
We have found it quite funny how the 3 girls who sat in the
"do we want to have a garden" family meeting
and proclaimed there joy and excitement about helping take care of said garden
well...they have yet to lift a finger to help out in the garden *aside from Haidyn who did help pull maybe...10 weeds the other day*
*remember the weed infested waste land*
yeah...we live in the muck...while our little plants are very happy in this soil
the weeds are equally as happy
Tonight I garden weasel'd the whole garden
I have 4 lovely blisters to show for my hard work...
I also have one happy little garden...
Take a look =]
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
hill climbing with God and Mr Melancholy
I am very used to Cam being the one who handles things like this in stride.
There is not much that can "ruffle his feathers"
He tends to be the one who says things like
"it will all work out"
"it is all part of God's plan"
"don't worry momma"
all sorts of things I know are true, but don't really want to hear
Well...that is not the case this time.
Cam is really struggling with this situation
and has become a bit down in the dumps...or melancholy as he put it
I'll admit that I don't like this one bit
if he is melancholy...that means I have to be the one giving the pep talks
I am not very good at pep talks
truth be told...when I encounter a hill in life
I *end up* being glad that I had Cam, and his words of wisdom to pull me out of my frump
I find it hard to be the de-frumper
I find it very hard to see him be in such a frump
it is difficult because he is out of town all week
it is very hard to gage his mood over the phone
and...truth be told...aside from the "go-to" phrases,
I have not found anything that has been able to
make much of a dent in his melancholy mood,
He is so down that not even talk of fishing seems
to improve his frump.
So...I will keep reminding him of what we know is true,
God is in this, even when it is hard to see Him, He
knows the plans that He has for our future.
He is walking up this hill with me and Mr. Melancholy,
and He hasn't abandoned us on any hills we've encountered
in the past.
I'm sure glad that all hills have a top...and the view from the
top is almost always grand!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
well it's news...but good news???
He is out of town, I called to talk to him and
He said "do you want the good news...or the really good news"
Since this was a win-win situation...I went for the good news first.
The "good" news was that he no longer works for Kerkstra Precast.
*to me this did not sound like very good news at all*
then the "really good" new was that he now works for a company called G2.
*I was still thinking...where is the good news.*
my blood pressure went straight through the roof...I think my heart was racing
I know that I felt a little nauseated...
But...I was thankful that he.still.has.a.job!!
rewind...I remember last Friday Cam came home, and was in a very not good mood.
He said "I need a new job".
I prayed for him that night, and every night since.
I prayed that God would lead him where he should go,
that the right door would be open, he has a new job.
Well...technically he will be doing the same thing, with the same co-workers...just with new bosses...and under a different name.
So...this may be one of those..."be careful what you pray for" sort of things? may be one of those..."aren't you glad you prayed" sort of things?
it remains to be seen!!
Cam really seems to have a good feeling about this situation.
I seem to have a "" sort of feeling about this situation.
I was not aware that a company could sell its employees.
I guess...he had a choice to go or to quit.
He decided to see what they*G2* have to offer.
He says that they seem to be very level headed and fair people.
I am praying that they are.
I have really struggled lately with God throwing me curve balls.
Seriously...just when I think I have things figured out
*or rather when I come to terms with how things are*
He comes right up behind me,
knocks my feet out from under me,
and I swear...He laughs...just a little.
He likes to do this to me
I should not be at all surprised
He knows that I like to have things "figured out"
and that sometimes...foolishly
I leave Him out of the figuring.
So...that is where I am at.
I am trying very hard to trust that
He knows the plans He has for my family...
Please pray for us or rather with us =]
This is a bit scary...
and I feel a bit throw-upie!
*I don't think I will sleep tonight because my blood pressure
has been elevated for about 3 hours*
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I LOVE that for many years I was able to work there in the springtime
I LOVE that my girls get to work there now
I LOVE that you can't really go to the greenhouses without smelling "earthy" when you leave =]
I LOVE that when I go there, and smell the "earthiness" it brings back MANY wonderful memories
I LOVE that I am not able to walk through the greenhouses without "cleaning" the plants
I LOVE that it is, for the most part, a family business, so no matter when I stop there, it is filled with people I love
I LOVE that during the busy shipping season I get to bring dinner over to my parents *it's kind of payback for all the wonderful things they do for me*
I LOVE that having parents with a greenhouse means pretty flower for the yard/garden
Did I mention that I LOVE it?
Monday, April 26, 2010
what do you get when you add...
You get a whole lot of fun...that's what!!!
I had the privilage of being able to get off of work to spend the day with Haidyn and her class in and around the Grand Rapids Public Museum today.
It was a beautiful day for it...the sun was shining the whole time *which was a blessing after the weekend we had*
Her class has been learning about Michigan history, specifically about the Native American's that lived in this area many years ago...and about the importance of the Grand River to their life here!
We started out learning about the Native American people, we listen to a Native American version of Cinderella, and we ended with a "Riverwalk" through parts of Grand Rapids.
It was a wonderful day...I am so glad I was able to go =]
kitchen floor...
*and hot* husband...
I now have this wonderful floor to come home to every day!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
I am going mad waiting for some news!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
leaping and waiting
It is the thing that I set out to accomplish years ago.
I said this very "thing" out loud...and I meant it,
and I believed that someday it would be so. that I find it litterally with in my reach...
I am second guessing myself,
rethinking that belief in my dream,
maybe there is a different plan,
maybe I should just leave well enough alone,
not mess with a good thing...
but...I know this thing will be a better situation for me,
for my family,
I know that it makes all the sense in the world...
but...I know that it is not up to me,
I am who I am,
I have the skills He has given me,
and..,it is not up to them,
they might think it is... the end...
it is up to the One who has known the plan for 33 years,
it is hard to resign my hopes and fears,
to just leap,
to just have faith,
to just know that what is meant to be will be,
to just give it to God,
and just wait...patiently
but...that is where I am...
waiting for Him to show me my path!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I'd like to think that in my short time here on earth I have been witness to some pretty amazing things...the birth of my children being a one of those amazing things, and believe me...the list goes on and on.
While at work today I was thinking about all the babies/children that are due to arrive between today *like literally any day now* and the end of this year.
In Cam's immediate family alone there are 4!!! 3 by way of adoption, and 1 by way of the womb! And there are 3 more in the extended Hassavoort family *this is Cam's mothers family*.
Now, if you know anything about the Hassevoort know that it is a numerous bunch...we have taken Genesis 9:7 quite literally "Now be fruitful and multiply, and repopulate the earth."
Family gatherings are loud, rambunctious affairs...but these affairs are filled with GREAT love and happiness. any given family gathering you will find our patriarchs sitting and watching...I would imagine in great amazement as to what their family has become. THEIR family...a family that started with just Bud and Gert almost 63 years ago. I wonder if they ever imagined how their family would grow?
While I sat at work today thinking, I did some figuring...and what I found out makes me smile... the end of 2010...the Hassevoort family that started as a family of 2 in 1947, will have grown to an AMAZING 100 people!!!
Seriously...100 people in one limb of my family tree!!
And what is even crazier...this family is far...very, very far from being done growing!!
* Hassevoort family STATS.
- 2 parents
- 6 kids
- 6 spouses
- 25 grand children
- 17 spouses
- 37 great grand children
- 7 great grand children on the way
GRAND TOTAL...100!!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Under Construction...
So...there will be some changes happening over the next few days to get this blog back "up to snuff". And then I hope you will regain faith in me and see fit to stop by and visit every now and again. I can promise that you will be brought through a whole range of will certainly find yourself wide eyed and shaking your head in amazement, and you will most definatly come to a better understanding of what life is like in this crazy house!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010...Seriously?? we are in 2010. We spent New Years Eve with some great friends...we played the washer game **the girls struggled a bit** and played some hand and foot...and as predicted...I totally dominated =] We also ate some great food...and today we start our new "fitness plans". Well, as I do every year...I am going to bullet point the goings on from our family in 2009...
- we got older
- some grew taller
- some successfully attempted to grow somewhat slimmer
- Cam was layed off for one week (but worked the rest of the year!!!)
- Cam got Bell's Palsy again =[
- Celebrated Mom and Dad Van's 40th Anniversary
- the girls finished 7th, 5th and 2nd grade
- we spent the 4th of July at the cottage, and the cabin
- we spent the day at Michigan's Adventure with the Nienhuis family
- Shannon was able to take a clinical position at Metro, and is now doing what she loves!!
- Labor Day the cabin
- the girls started 8th, 6th and 3rd grade
- teeth were lost
- teeth grew in
- Cam and Shann celebrated 14 years
- Celebrated Mom and Dad Nienhuis' 40th Anniversary
- there was much hunting...and much fishing
- we spent much time with family and friends
- we were loved
- we loved
- we stressed (some more than others)
- we laughed (a lot)
- we cried
- we took steps forward
- we took steps backward
- and...through it all we did our best to trust Gods plan for our lives
And now...we look forward with great excitement
to what the Lord has in store for us in 2010!!
Happy New Year to you and yours!!!