Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I'd like to think that in my short time here on earth I have been witness to some pretty amazing things...the birth of my children being a one of those amazing things, and believe me...the list goes on and on.

While at work today I was thinking about all the babies/children that are due to arrive between today *like literally any day now* and the end of this year.

In Cam's immediate family alone there are 4!!! 3 by way of adoption, and 1 by way of the womb! And there are 3 more in the extended Hassavoort family *this is Cam's mothers family*.

Now, if you know anything about the Hassevoort family...you know that it is a numerous bunch...we have taken Genesis 9:7 quite literally "Now be fruitful and multiply, and repopulate the earth."

Family gatherings are loud, rambunctious affairs...but these affairs are filled with GREAT love and happiness. And...at any given family gathering you will find our patriarchs sitting and watching...I would imagine in great amazement as to what their family has become. THEIR family...a family that started with just Bud and Gert almost 63 years ago. I wonder if they ever imagined how their family would grow?

While I sat at work today thinking, I did some figuring...and what I found out makes me smile...

...by the end of 2010...the Hassevoort family that started as a family of 2 in 1947, will have grown to an AMAZING 100 people!!!

Seriously...100 people in one limb of my family tree!!

And what is even crazier...this family is far...very, very far from being done growing!!


* Hassevoort family STATS.

  • 2 parents
  • 6 kids
  • 6 spouses
  • 25 grand children
  • 17 spouses
  • 37 great grand children
  • 7 great grand children on the way

GRAND TOTAL...100!!!!

1 comment:

Be the Good said...

THAT is amazing!!!!!! I'm totally copying and saving this post for my records and memory keeping! You are awesome and thanks for this great post!!