Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...with a twist!

I came across this over at another blog I visit, and thought I would participate!
This Wednesday's theme is "Self-Portrait"...

So...I gave it a whirl, and here is what I came up with...

To view the other "entries" visit American Mums blog.

Wordless Wednesday...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

College Graduate...(almost)

Davenport University
Commencement 2008
Van Andel Arena

I was part of the DU commencement this afternoon...It was great, and I am glad I decided to participate! I would like to thank my family, who were kind enough to endure the butt numbingly long...and slightly boring service...of which I was number 1160 (approx.) of the just over 1300 graduates!!

While I feel a little funny because I really won't be done, officially, until the first week of July...I am really proud of me because 20 months ago I wasn't sure I would make it to this day...and I certainly didn't believe that I would be leaving with a straight A record!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

a view from my very own back door...

In July of 2004 my little brothers best friend died of cancer. That very night as I was on my way home I noticed the sunset, it was the most beautiful I could remember seeing. I couldn't help but think that it was that beautiful because of the celebration in heaven because of Josh's arrival.

Since then I have found myself noticing the sky, and in paticular the sunsets way more often, and it makes me smile and think of Josh too.

It's amazing the miricle that happens every now and again out my very own back door...God is the most amazing artist ever.

This post was promted by all the sunset pictures I found on my camara...and I thought I would share them with you...ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Red Letters...

This is the current "Book of the month". I'm in the middle of reading it, and it is very good. Here is a short video about this book. the time flies...

On April 20th, 7 years ago...I spent my day having contractions. Now I had been through this a couple times already...and I had never been sent home for going to the hospital too early...and I wasn't going to let the third time be the "charm".

So...I kept this tid-bit of information to myself. Well...I had been having contractions like this (rather painful) for a couple of months already...the doctor said it was because it was my third and things happen sooner and yahda...yahda...yahda. After hearing this...I was certainly not going to the hospital unless I was 100% sure that "it" was really "it"!! (I was secretly hoping that my water would break and then they wouldn't be able to send me home)

Well, the day wore on and it was about bedtime (for the girls) and I said to Cam..."I think this might really be it!" So we called the doctor...called grandma and grandpa...dropped the girls off...and arrived at the hospital around my excitement I was dilated to 5 my day worth of discomfort has not been for naught. 1:10am on Saturday morning, April 21...little Haidyn Johanna became the 5th and final member of our family!

What an addition she had been...
~she is about the most stubborn person I know
~she keeps us laughing all the time
~she is girl through and through
~she says "guess what" at least 117 times each day
~she's a lover and a snuggler (except when she's not!)

Some things that happened or were learned this year...
~she went to day camp for the first time
~she rode the "big" rides at Michigan's adventure for the first time
~she lost her first tooth
~she learned how to read
~she learned how to ride her bike without training wheels

She has a huge list of things she is going to learn this year...the biggest one is how to swim without swimmies!!

Well...HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lou-Lou...

I can't believe my "baby" is 7 years old already...were would we be without you!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I just received a call informing me that Julie (Committed to Gods mission) is on her way home, from Greece, right now. From what I know she had fluid on her lung, was seen/treated in Greece, and because of her history of cancer they were concerned and thought it best for her to come home to her doctors here. She will go directly from the airport to the hospital.

Please pray for safe travels, but mostly that this is not a serious problem!

Thank you!

Friday, April 18, 2008

What a crazy week (or two) it has been...

Well...It has been awhile since I have had the time or energy to come up with something to say here.'s a little "catch-up"...

Spring Break really kicked my butt. I would like to say that I spent some quality time with the girls doing so many fun fun things...but other than one trip to the mall, it was all work and no play for the residence of VK-ville!

Cam was out of town for the whole week...and it looks like most of the spring/summer will bring a lot of the same...I would like to give a GREAT BIG "WAY TO GO!!! to all the single moms out are now my hero's...I don't know how you do it 24/ are stronger than I!!

I have reached the final week of the winter session at school. Final exams are next week Tuesday and Wednesday. AMEN and HALLELUJAH!!! Then it is on to my internship which is at an amazing little pediatrics office...I am so excited to start! I have begun to apply for jobs, so if you want to add that to your prayer list, just pray that God will lead me to the position He wants me to be in.

My father made a trip to the ER this week. He was experiencing tightness in his chest, and with a history of heart troubles in his family...we were glad that he saw the importance in going for the sake of a little peace of mind. All tests came back normal, so they are unsure of the cause. He had a stress test hopefully all is well and it was just a fluke thing?? I will admit that I had hoped my parents would just no get old and have problems like this...but I guess that is an unrealistic expectation!

I found out that I am going to have another nephew sometime in August (hopefully the 19th). While I was hoping for a niece...mostly because they have 2 boys and the whole "what would she look like" thing...but God has a plan, and a healthy baby of either gender is all we can ask for so it will be my pleasure to snuggle little Mr. lots and lots. (because as I have stated before...snuggling babies is my favorite!!)

You should really come and see the greenhouses
A) they are always nice and toasty warm...which does wonders for the mind, body , spirit, and tan!
B) the flowers are blooming like is just beautiful, and smells nice too! (I will add some pictures for your viewing pleasure soon!)
C) soon we will start to ship everything...and then it will be gone and you won't get to see it!

I am currently enjoying a day off!! I hardly know what to do with myself. I do know that some spring cleaning is in order, and maybe a trip to Goodwill to offload some of our extra(read way to small) cloths!! I can't wait for the temperature to rise just a smidgen more so I can open up the windows and let the wonderful spring air in! mother just called (did I ever tell you that she is amazing and I love her lots and lots). Her and my father have invited me out for breakfast! So have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather. Tah Tah for now!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

What if...

What if you could provide rice for a family who is hungry...just by knowing the meaning to a word?

Would you take some time to help out?

I just did!

By knowing the meaning of 25 words I was able to "donate" 500 grains of rice!

FreeRice began on October 7, 2007 and over 26 billion grains have been donated so far!

The picture below is a link to the site ...give it a try!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thoughts for Thursday...

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of overcoming it" ~helen keller

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Just for fun...

I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in what oredr the l tteers in a word are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the first and last ltteer be in the rgh it pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Pretty interesting...isn't it???

The tale of the elusive mouse..

Well...there has been no sign of the mouse since Saturday afternoon. It is as though it just disappeared. I hope it has disappeared to somewhere no longer in my house...but I guess only time will tell.

Have a beautiful Tuesday!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

the Van K's vs. the Vermin...part two

What do you get when you have 5 mouse traps...and one mouse?

Apparently a smart mouse?

No luck last night (insert expletive)!

So it is my hope that the shoe throwing incident scared him right back out the way he came in...but this is me we're talking about...and this house seems to breed smart we may have to:

a) buy more traps and place them like land mines all over the basement

b) buy several different kinds of traps as to confuse the little vermin, making it easier to trap him or her.

c) buy or borrow a cat to seek and destroy this little *beep*!!

Maybe this crafty little bugger doesn't realize that mice on nocturnal...and he'll meet his demise while we are at church.

Here's hoping!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Could it be???

Other than once, early this morning, our furnace has not ran at all today!!

I even had some windows open to let the fresh air in!

Could it be that spring has really sprung???

(Don't worry...I knocked on wood...I've lived here my whole life...I know winter could still have something up it's sleeve)

But for now I say Hallelujah for spring!!

On another note, I think the shoe throwing incident has scared our furry little foe into hiding...and so...we wait!!!

the Van K's vs. the Vermin...part one

We returned home from a visit to the Kreuze "farm" this afternoon to find a mouse in our house. Tate thought it was a clump of mud and gave it a kick...then proceeded to freak a little because the clump moved...then Cam made a valiant effort to kill it with a shoe...but the little vermin made it safety under the dryer...then it tried to "attack" (big fangs and everything!!) me while I was doing the laundry...because honestly I need to keep up with the laundry (mouse or not) or soon the mole hill will become a mountain! on my furry little friend. You may have won today's battle...but you will certainly not win the war!! We do not think kindly of your kind in this house...we will not be inviting you to is really nice outside and you should have realized how good you had it, I can promise you that you will regret coming in...because you will not be making it out alive!

Cam is currently out stocking up on those inhumane sticky traps, and soon they will be lining the laundry room floor...and I predict by morning this war will have come to an end!!

**Watch for: the Van K's vs. the Vermin...part two**

Friday, April 4, 2008

Quote of the day...

"I wish that kids got married and had parents" ~Haidyn Van K.

*her explanation..."because sometime parents do dumb things and need to be yelled at too! but kids can't yell at parents"*

**I (Shann) promise I did not do any dumb things that required being yelled at! This statement was in no way directed at least not today!**

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thoughts for Thursday...

Today was a b-e-autiful day here in Michigan. I was soaking in the sun, I got to thinking how funny we Michiganders are this time of year...the temperature got up above 50 degrees today, and out came the shorts and t-shirts, and some even went so far as to don the flip flops!

Why is it that we somehow forget that just 5 short months ago when the temperature dipped into the 50's...we all dug out the long jeans and sweatshirts?

This phenomenon is only one of many that plagues those of us who live in this wonderful state!

What is it that keeps us here anyway?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

For Tricia, (and Nate and Gwyenth)...

I just checked on the CF Husband blog...and found out that right this very moment Tricia is in the OR getting her new lungs!!!

If you have a little (read a lot) of time you should really spend some time reading their story! They are an amazing family...I promise you'll be blessed.

Anyway...this post is really a request for all of you to join me in prayer for this family. The surgery will take 7 - 9 hours (from what I gather?) it is going to be a loooooooong night for them.

On a small side is Nate's birthday today...I just think this is an amazing birthday gift.

Please also pray for the family of the person who donated these lungs...I am sure it is going to be a long night for them too!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oh what a night...

We had a very exciting night at our house last night.

It involved...a fall...a big boom...a lot of blood...the ER...and staples!!

Anyone care to guess who the "lucky" victim was???

If you guessed'd be absolutely not right!

It was me!!!

I can't even count how many times I have told my children not to leave their shoes in the middle of the stairs. I have honestly said "Someday I am going to brake my neck tripping over these."

Apparently they wanted me to brake my neck...because my repeated pleas did not help, and last night while carrying the laundry down the stairs, I slipped on a shoe and fell backwards, hitting the back of my head on the top step with an extremely painful crack.

What followed was a lot of screaming and crying...(crying by me...crying and screaming by the girls), a call to grandma Kathy for help, because of course Cam is out of town (and doesn't even know yet because he was a sleep when I tried to call)...and a trip to the ER, where I was very brave while receiving my very first staples. I was very vocal about my head NOT being shaved...even just a little.

I got home about 12:30am...didn't sleep very well at all..thank God for my mother who stayed to get the girls up and off to school this morning! My plans for the day are...lots of pain meds, and hopefully some sleep!

I am recommending that all readers of this blog (all 5 or 6 of ya :), try not to take the express route down a flight of really isn't nearly as fun as it may sound.

And...I am also recommending that you return to the very top of this post and check the date...I am so very sorry...but the truth is...this has all been a cleverly spun tale for entertainment purposes only. My head is still very much head was never in danger of being shaved...we all slept fine last night... I still thank God for my mother...and I'm sure if I went and looked at the stairs right now...I would find shoes!

Have a great April Fools Day!!!