Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Did you see the Lunar Eclipse...

I was excited when, on my way home from school tonight, I noticed the moon.

I had heard that there was going to be an eclipse this evening...but I would have totally forgotten about it if it weren't for my chance glance into the sky. is pretty neat, I hope you all have/had the opportunity to check it out.

I was just excited that it wasn't one of those astronomical events that occur at some gastly hour in the middle of the night and even though you would love to witness it there is no way your thirty-something year old body can stay up that late, and forget setting the alarm to get up because once the thirty-something year old body is sleeping it really likes to stay that way for as long as possible.

I had a brilliant (read psychotic) idea when I arrived home. I grabbed the camara and attempted to take a photo of the partially eclipsed moon. But...alas I achived no success. It is currently colder that the Antarctic outside and I couldn't stop shaking enough to keep the moon in the view finder...let alone push the dumb button while keeping the camara still. I have resorted to just watching the "action" out the front window from the comfort of my nice toasty house.

While the lunar eclipse is not is still pretty interesting.

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