Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's so good to be back...

in all my excitement about my return to the "world wide web", I decided that I was sick of the bright yellow, (it reminded me way to much of the warm weather I long for) so I have given this blog yet another face lift.

I have spent entirely to much time trying to catch up on all the blogs that I haven't been able to visit for some if I ever really have time to waste! I am always behind on everything. I am nowhere near done with Christmas shopping...and I have laundry coming out of my ears! I sit!


Many things have happened since I last made a real post. The most news worthy event happened this morning.

It all started a couple weeks ago when I noticed evidence of a mouse. We live in an old house...and, while I have no idea where they come in, mice are something we deal with every year.

While I know that God does not make mistakes...and all life is precious and has some sort of value...I really wonder what His whole purpose was with the mouse!! In my opinion they are small, furry, bug eyed little devils. They rank right up there with mosquito's...and boils on your backside! I mean if there were anything that was absolutely pointless...the aforementioned would all be on my list. back to the story at hand.

Evidence of a mouse...we all know what that amounts too...tiny mouse poo! Now...for some reason, and we all know this is true, when a mouse decides to become a tenant in your home the first two places that they decide to spend most of there time are...under the stove, and in the silverware drawer! Of course the "evidence" I discovered was in the silverware drawer...and that is just disgusting. I mean all I could envision was the little spawn of Lucifer climbing all over my knives, forks and spoons, and deciding that right there next to the spoons was as good a place as any for a pit stop! So I of coarse took everything out of the drawer and thoroughly sanitized every piece. And it made no sense to put anything back in the we have been keeping the silverware holder on the counter since we noticed our little "devil" had arrived.

Now...I had a few of the glue traps left from a previous unwanted I placed one in the silverware drawer, because he seemed to really like it in there...and one near the stove...because it is a great place to hide when one is small.

So...a few days came and went...with no sign of the evil intruder...until yesterday...when I made a startling discovery...right the middle of the glue, lonely, tiny....TURD!!! (note to self...checking the stickiness of the glue trap that is almost a year old is a wise idea...apparently they lose stickiness over time!)

I decide I better check all the other drawers...only to find a large wad of shredded paper in the very back of the junk drawer.

We've had a busy mouse.

Now I am steamed, it is like the mangy little rodent has flipped me the bird!!

To which I say...GAME ON!

After a couple of hours of deep cleaning...and a run to Gemmens for the most inhumane trap I can find (remember...animal with no worth deserves no mercy) I position glue traps and the good old fashioned "snap" traps in several places around the kitchen...including next to the stove and in the silverware drawer.

There must have been great confusion in the wee hours of the morning when my little mouse foe discovered the wonderful home he had been building was gone...he must have felt as though it were Christmas when his little rodent nose smelled something wonderful coming from just up ahead...and I am not sure what could have been the last thing to go through his tiny little mind...but I certainly hope he was thinking..."well played clever homeowner!!".

Little did my small opponent now when he entered the warm haven he had hoped to call home...that he had entered the home of a women who has been around the block a time or two with several of his forefathers...I've got many a story to tell about other mice who have met with the same fate...either death by perfectly thrown shoe...death by drowning...or death by can be assured that the end results is always...death!!

I actually managed to rid the world of two of the worthless beasts last night...I am hoping that there death came before they were able to produce young. All traps will be reset, and no silverware will be placed in it's proper location until I can say with 100% certainty that our home is mouse free.

I'll keep you posted on the situation.

For now..."The Great Rodent Slayer" is signing off!

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