Friday, November 16, 2007

Hannah needs our prayers *UPDATE*

Little Hannah is struggling a little. The doctors aren't sure how to help her. She has been having trouble with her feedings, so they have stopped them for now. She had been having a relatively great week...and then, all of the sudden...another hill to climb. Her parents are emotionally warn out.

Please lift them in prayer. Their strength, and grace amaze me every day, and I know they feel the hands of God surround them every day though all our love and prayers.

Thanks for your help.

I actually get to go up to the hospital I will update you after I get to see Hannah.

**I will not be going up to the hospital today. Things didn't improve overnight, I talked to Tami this morning...there is no certainty as they look into the future. Their fear is that Hannah will not ever be coming home.

Our God performs miracles everyday...lets pray for one in this little girls life.**

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