Saturday, November 10, 2007

So sad...but somewhat true(ish)...

Haidyn: Some people don't need to wear make-up.

Me: Oh yeah.

H: Yes, because they are just beautiful me! (oh to be so humble)

M: and Me too! (with half-hearted confidence)

H: need to wear make-up. (with absolute seriousness)

M: Oh...thanks... (realizing this child sees me in the morning...and it really isn't pretty!)

H: What...I'm just trying to help you people don't laugh at you!!

M: OK...thanks for having my back!!

While I can't say I will always leave the house with make up on from now on...(because sometimes, who really has the time), the thought will cross my mind more often.

I love children...if laughing truly adds years to your life...I'm gonna live a long time!!

Have a great weekend!

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