Friday, July 4, 2008

we have left the land of the trolls...

and we're headed up over the bridge! We are hoping that the weather will improve for the weekend.

You may...or may not know that my brother and his family live in the upper peninsula of Michigan. My brother works at an InterVarsity Camp, called Cedar Campus. I have shared pictures from up there several is is is relaxing...we really love it up there.

I have been looking forward to this trip for months...we don't get up there as often as we would like...and with the outrageous gas prices, getting up there is much more difficult.

I spent the week getting the house in order...and spent Thursday getting everything packed and ready to go. We hoped to leave on Thursday night...but if that was impossible we left early Friday morning...there is a BIG parade in Hessel, (there hometown) on Friday morning...and fireworks in the P.M. We hope to be there for both of those events!

I hope you are all having a great holiday weekend.

I'll share pics of our weekend when we return to the land of the trolls!

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