Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oh what a night...

We had a very exciting night at our house last night.

It involved...a fall...a big boom...a lot of blood...the ER...and staples!!

Anyone care to guess who the "lucky" victim was???

If you guessed Haidyn...you'd be absolutely not right!

It was me!!!

I can't even count how many times I have told my children not to leave their shoes in the middle of the stairs. I have honestly said "Someday I am going to brake my neck tripping over these."

Apparently they wanted me to brake my neck...because my repeated pleas did not help, and last night while carrying the laundry down the stairs, I slipped on a shoe and fell backwards, hitting the back of my head on the top step with an extremely painful crack.

What followed was a lot of screaming and crying...(crying by me...crying and screaming by the girls), a call to grandma Kathy for help, because of course Cam is out of town (and doesn't even know yet because he was a sleep when I tried to call)...and a trip to the ER, where I was very brave while receiving my very first staples. I was very vocal about my head NOT being shaved...even just a little.

I got home about 12:30am...didn't sleep very well at all..thank God for my mother who stayed to get the girls up and off to school this morning! My plans for the day are...lots of pain meds, and hopefully some sleep!

I am recommending that all readers of this blog (all 5 or 6 of ya :), try not to take the express route down a flight of stairs...it really isn't nearly as fun as it may sound.

And...I am also recommending that you return to the very top of this post and check the date...I am so very sorry...but the truth is...this has all been a cleverly spun tale for entertainment purposes only. My head is still very much intact...my head was never in danger of being shaved...we all slept fine last night... I still thank God for my mother...and I'm sure if I went and looked at the stairs right now...I would find shoes!

Have a great April Fools Day!!!

1 comment:

Be the Good said...

you are a naughty girl!