Sunday, March 16, 2008

Climbing mountains and playing tag...

I have finally climbed out from under the mountain of laundry...only one load to go!!!

When I could finally breath again I realized that I had been "tagged" by here is my "4 things" list...ENJOY!!

1. Four jobs that I have had in my life:
-hostess at Jerry's Country Inn (where I met Cam)
-nail technician
-house cleaner (for other's more fun when you get paid to do it)
-greenhouse laborer and bookkeeper

2. Four Movies I would/have watch(ed) over and over:
-Lord of the Rings trilogy
-Harry Potter series
-Secondhand Lions
-Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy

3. Four places I have lived:
-Forest Grove, MI
-Jamestown, MI
-Hudsonville, MI
-West Glacier, MT (for one week anyway...that counts...Right??)

4. Four TV shows that I watch:
-Biggest Loser

5. Four places I have visited:
-Redlands, CA
-Glacier National Park, MT
-Seattle, WA

6. Four people who email me regularly:
-my mom
-my school/classmates

7. Four of my favorite foods:
-Cheeseburgers cooked on the grill
-Celery with peanut butter
-Cheese Broccoli Soup

8. Four places I would like to be right now:
-Glacier National Park, MT
-anywhere without my kids
-somewhere where the temperature is high 70's, sunny, and beautiful
-visiting the Stephan's

9. Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
-Finishing school, and finding a job
-snuggling with my newest niece or nephew(I'm voting niece...on August 19th!)
-vacations to the UP to visit Eric, Ann and the kids
-Michigan's Adventure with the Roelofs

10.Four people who should post 4 things:
(if you do not have a blog of your own just put your list in the comments section of this post)

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