Monday, March 24, 2008

Dear Hanna Rae,

One year ago, on this very date, was a Saturday like any other in the Van Koevering house. The girls, not realizing the value of sleeping in, were up entirely too early, and they were already fighting at the butt-crack-of-dawn, ah yes…these days are ones for the memory books!

But…this day was one for the memory books for sure. In between all the hullabaloo there was a great sense of anticipation, and excitement. I was busy getting ready for a trip across state. I was making sure I had all the needed accessories…most importantly my camera. At 10am. my ride arrived, and I was on my way. “On the way to what?” you may wonder. Well…you see, I was on my way to witness the arrival of a precious miracle from God. A miracle that was born in a little village a half a world away. A miracle that we had been praying for, for over a year. A miracle that we had loved since the moment we first saw a picture of her, and if the truth be told, we loved her long before that. A miracle that God had created. A miracle that fit right into the space God had created for her. A space right in our family, that no one else could fill.

I had the honor of being there to witness the arrival of you, from Ethiopia.

I remember the first sign of your arrival was the sound of you crying, and then…there you were. I remember you being so much tinier that I had ever thought you would be. I remember falling in love with your sweet profile…it is dang precious, and I do still love it today. I remember the first time I got to snuggle you…snuggles are my favorite, and while I’m sure your mother had longed for a snuggle way more than I…I’m sure I came in at a very close second on that one! I remember those early days, when it was a lucky thing indeed if you smiled at me, but I do remember a few quick grins. And I remember how you really looked everything over, just taking it all in. I can only imagine what was going through your head, trying to get used to life with this big family of yours. And then, slowly…but surely…you opened up and smiled a lot...and started to really like us and recognize us (with excitement)…some days I wondered if it would ever happen…but now, it is hard to remember you being “shy” at all. Your smile melts my heart…and I find it hard not to smile when I am around you. I am reminded every time I see you that our God is amazing…He knew since before you took your first breath that on March 24th, 2007, your journey was going to take you half way around the world, and place you in our family. Our God is GREAT!!

It is hard to believe it has been one year. It seems like you have been here forever…it is really hard to imagine our family without you.

So…happy fam-iversary…or GOTCHA day…or whatever you want to call it. You’ve come a long way sweet girl…and I’m so glad that I get a front row seat for the rest of your journey!

Love and (of course) snuggles,
Auntie Shann

1 comment:

Be the Good said...

Well GOOOOOOD MORNING water works!! I wasn't expecting to find myself weeping before the computer at 7:30 in the a.m. Thanks for a beautiful post Aunt Shannon!! Couldn't have said it better!!!