Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What's going on here???

I got out of school early today...I was very excited! A little down time to work on homework...tidy up the house...BUT...then I went down to the laundry room...and I will be spending most of my time somewhere between the washer, the dryer, and folding the mountain of cloths awaiting my attention.

I got to thinking...where did all these cloths come from?? There is no way they all belong to us. I can't count the number of time I hear "I have NOTHING to wear...NOTHING!!!!!" Well... there certainly is A LOT of nothing downstairs in the laundry room!

I have come up with 2 possible scenarios...

#1.....while we are gone during the day another family moves in and wears our cloths. (this would explain the all the missing socks...and the occasional article of clothing that you look everywhere for only to find it in plain view the next day...very suspicious!)


#2.....while we are gone during the day our cloths are getting "busy" in the closets and drawers and reproducing at light speed.

I am voting for #1 myself.

I just wish while they were here they would do a little cleaning...maybe I'll have to leave them a note?

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