Monday, March 10, 2008

For Tricia...

I have been following THIS blog for a couple months now. You may have noticed it in my "Blogs I visit" section, and maybe you've noticed Tricia and Gwyneth in my "Prayer requests" section. I check it entirely to often and I am absolutely captivated by this families faith and grace and love for each other and mostly for the Lord. They are amazing!!

We (the mommies of the world) have been "challenged" by THIS blogger to make a list of all our favorite "mommy moments". It is so easy to fall into a rut, of sorts, and get so annoyed by the little things our kids do...or the little things we do a zillion times a day for our kids. It can become so easy to forget what a precious gift they are (I know...I have a 12 year old...precious doesn't usually enter my thoughts).

Trisha hasn't been able to experience these moments because she has cystic fibrosis and is a patient at the hospital awaiting a double lung transplant and Gwyneth was born at 24 weeks and is in the NICU...but the girl is amazing...I think she gets it from her parents.

So...all these things we take for granted...are things that Tricia is longing to experience...

Things like...

*rocking her to sleep all snuggled up on your chest (this is my personal favorite)

*that "can't-duplicate-it" new baby smell

*always feeling like you are missing something when you get the chance to go out alone

*the feeling of her little hand in yours, and knowing that you would know that hand anywhere

*watching her sleep in her "big-girl bed" for the first time and thinking "Where'd my baby go?"

*being able to sleep through an alarm clock but waking up at the tiniest noise she makes (even from across the house)

*the first "blow-out" (you'll know it when you see it!)

*sitting in church...usually during the prayer...and she'll decide it's a great time to poop...really loud

*when she hugs you and pats you on the back, for no other reason then it's what you do to her

*when she takes a shower for the first time and sits on the drain and floods the bathroom

*when she gets into your makeup and is so proud of how "beautiful" she made herself...just like mommy does it

*seeing her walk around in your fancy shoes wearing pretty necklaces and bracelets

*seeing her walk around in her daddy's boots wearing his ball cap backwards

*the first time she says "I wuv you" or "you're so beautifuw" or "you're the bestest mom evew", all you moms reading this take a few minutes to share you're favorite "mommy moments" with Tricia, either in your own post, or in the comments section of this post.

And if you haven't checked out their so, you'll be glad you did.

And...remember to thank God for all the wonderful, and not so wonderful moments that our kids bless us with every day...and remember to pray for this amazing family.