Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Kids say the darndest things...

Oh my goodness...that girls makes me laugh out loud. I am, of course talking about Haidyn. Where she comes up with this stuff I will never know.

We were having a discussion about them (Quinn and Haidyn) going to jump at the neighbors trampoline. I said they had a half an hour before I had to pick up their they better get to it so they have lots of time there. They wondered why they couldn't just stay there while I went to get Tate, because the neighbors are home? I said, it is not their responsibility to watch you while you are on the tramp, and Haidyns response is..."It takes a village to raise a child mom!"

Point taken smarty pants!! (But, non-the-less, they still only have a half and hour!)

Do you see what I'm saying??? Where does she come up with this stuff???

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