Wednesday, June 4, 2008

bring on the pepto...

Well...20+ months ago when I started going to Davenport...I knew that the end result would be me in a full time(or close to full time) job. And...I sit here now with that reality staring me squarely in the face!!

I have a potential (nothing is final yet) job opportunity...that will be a full time, 5 days a week job. I jump for joy...because, as stated before, this has always been the end goal. But...this opportunity is going to start at the beginning of July...which poses a potential child care issue. Yet another thing that was defiantly foreseeable...but somewhat over looked. Right now my schedule is extremely convenient...I leave after they are on the bus...I am home shortly after they are off the bus. Tate is very capable of taking care of her sisters...the dilemma is tomorrow is the last day of school...and while they do very well together in the short term...8 hour days...may be potentially problematic!!

I will know more about the logistics on Friday...but could really use some big time prayer. While I trust that God has had His hand in leading me back to school, and to this awesome career that I know is my calling and something that I LOVE...I admit to being a bit "throw-upie" and feeling a little stressed and nervous about everything falling into place, and a bit sad about losing out on my summer with the girls!

I know that once we get through the summer, and back to school that this will become our "normal" and all will fall into place, it's just the getting from here to there that seems a lot like a GRAND CANYON sized hurdle!

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